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~Jack's PoV~

How the heck did Douglas know Kim's name and why did Brie and Kim just leave like they were running from something??
"Douglas explain." I demanded.
"I-I." Douglas stuttered.
That's when Mr Davenport walked in,
"Where are they?" He demanded.
"Who?" Adam asked.
"Kim and Brie!" He shouted.
"They already ran and how do you know their names?" I asked him slightly raising my voice as Mr Davenport shared some glances with his brother.
"You tell them Donald." Douglas said as Mr Davenport sighed.
"When you were all born, it wasn't just the three of you their were five of you, one with super strength, one with super intelligence, one with fire and ice powers but there was also two others, one with speed and agility and one with shape shifting. Once me and Douglas got into a fight about what we should do with you all I took you three and he took the other two. The other two aren't related to you all but they also have bionics. Kim and Brie are the bionic kids that Douglas lost." Mr Davenport said and suddenly we were all in complete shock no one said a word until Douglas spoke.
"They are technically are on the run from me and Donald, they are programmed to be rebellious and kind of evil."
"But they see the sweetest people we've ever met." Chase said as me and Adam nodded in agreement.
"Just because they are sweet doesn't mean they don't have bad intentions." Douglas said.
"How can we make then "good"?" I said air quoting good.
"We need it extract their chips and make a few changes." Mr Davenport said.
"So how can we do that?" Chase asked.
"By getting them here." Mr Davenport said as we began to formulate a plan.

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