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(Two weeks later)

~Brie's PoV~

Jack, Adam, Kim, Chase and I have all been hanging about each other a lot recently they finally asked us if we wanted to go over their place to hang out and we thought it was a great idea.

Kim and I got ready, I got into a dress and Kim got into ripped jeans and a cute dressy top. We started to walk over to their house and ran the doorbell, we waited for about ten seconds until Adam came to the door.
"Jack Chase they are here!" Adam shouted upstairs as he invited us in, we sat down on the sofa as we began to hear people run down the steps and there was Jack and Chase. Chase locked eyes with me and Jack locked eyes with Kim they walked over to us and sat down.
"Hey." Chase whispered to me as he smiled at me.
"Hey." I whispered back as I giggled.
"Alright guys so what movies are we watching?" Adam asked as he got up from the sofa to go over the the tv.
"I don't know what about that one?" Jack said pointing to a horror movie. I didn't mind horror movies but never really wanted to watch them but Kim on the other hand hated them. She was too uptight and got creeped out too easily to watch them but was obviously too afraid to say anything.
Since everyone else was quiet Adam thought that meant okay so he started the movie, I could tell Kim was uptight about it but she tried not to show it but after living with her for my whole life, I know her too well.
The movie was over and Kim was shaking, she was so terrified that I found it kind of funny, no one else seemed to notice but I'm pretty sure Jack did as he held her close throughout the movie. Chase and Adam were picking the next movie and I decided to go across to check what movie they have too until I heard Kim's voice full of panic.
"B-Brie!" She cried looking petrified, "a-avocados!" I immediately knew what she meant and looked over at what she was looking at and that's when I grabbed her and raced out.

~Kim's PoV~

Honestly, that movie was terrifying, I could tell that Brie found it funny how shocked up I was about it but how could she not be? I hated horror movies and I bet if I was her if he laughing at myself too. Jack held me close throughout the entire movie obviously knowing I found it scary. He kept me safe and I felt comfortable in his grasp. I was honestly very thankful the movie was over though I kept my eyes screwed shut most of the time so I honestly didn't even know what was going on.
Chase and Adam started to look out a new movie and Brie went over to help them so Jack and I talked a bit and I explained my hatred for horror movies he obviously found it a little funny too but I didn't take offence to how he found it funny, I guess if someone is as petrified of horror movies as I am it would be hard to not laugh at them, but the next thing I saw was even scarier than horror movies, it made the blood rush out of my body as the only words I could get out of my mouth were the code words. The code words Brie and I came up with of this ever happened. Of course for Brie and I it was just precautions we never actually thought we would need too but I actually did. Standing in the kitchen locking eyes with me was none other that Douglas our old father.
"Kim?!" He said is disbelief.
I stood there is shock until I cried out in a shriek, "B-Brie! A-Avocados!" That's when we bolted out of their house.

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