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Today is my official first day of being a university student

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Today is my official first day of being a university student. I feel both excited and nervous. I think I am going to throw up. Especially since I have to be independent from now on as I am an adult. When Dad parks his car in front of the large stone building I feel my heart rate speeding up. He takes my hand and squeezes it, assuring me that I am going to be okay. I hope.

We get out of the car and get my luggage from the trunk. He carries two of my duffel bags while I pull my suitcase towards the entrance doors. When we enter the building I notice how there are so many students around. As well as parents who come to drop off some of their children. I pull out the map I got from the grout guide a few months ago when Dad and I came to view the school. I successfully lead us to my dorm room that is not too far away front the main entrance of the school building. Room 345. I stare directly at the three digits that are attached to the wooden door ever so perfectly.

"Is this it?" Dad stares at the door.

"It sure looks like it." I turn the knob and the door opens revealing a vacant room. It is not as empty as I thought it would be as I can see a couple of bags stuffed on the left hand side of the room. The room itself is quite big enough for two people. I am appreciative for the space in it; especially the windowsill where I can already see myself sitting at with my new roommate and reading peacefully.

It has two twin beds; one on either side of the room. There is a working desk for both my roommate and I on our respective sides. I notice how she has already placed her things on hers; four Percy Jackson books, a couple of Vape pens, some drawings and a black MacBook air.

"Well it seems to me like your roommate is going to be a nice girl." Dad chuckles uneasily then begins to mutter to himself. "Except the smoking of course."

I notice how the room is extremely neat and tidy. In fact it is too clean. I must be roomed with a perfectionist, but that does not really bother me. I do have my moments when I will be specific on how I want my room to look like as well. I remember when Dad and I stepped into the room it spelled like lavenders. I have been wondering where that scent comes from until I notice an the automatic freshener hanging on the wall right above my roommate's desk.

I am pulled back to reality when my Dad's cellphone rings. He groans when he reads the caller's ID name. It could only be one person. Mr Williams, his business partner who brings him flour for the bakery. Mr Williams is our neighbor back home. He is a short, round man with a potbelly who is quite a cheery at most times. He is strange as well. Very strange. You see my father owns his own little diner back home in Ottawa and Mr Williams has connections with a flour producing factory that he used to work at before he retired. He is always promising Dad that he will bring him ten bags of flour instead of just five, but whenever he is supposed to deliver them to the diner he goes MIA.

He has a little bit of dementia so Gloria, Mrs Williams tries to keep him on his toes but he is a stubborn man that one.

Dad gives me a knowing look that pretty much says 'Mr Williams is probably going to promise to deliver before this afternoon. As always,' before he kisses me goodbye. He tells me in a stern voice, "And do not forget to always be a good girl even though Mom and Dad are not here to watch you sweetheart."

He tries to sound strict like most parents would sound, but he fails to. He knows how much of a softy he is and how scary Mom can get sometimes. I laugh at his statement half-heartily; half because I know that he is just joking. I have always been a good girl since I was young. Occasionally got into trouble, but it was minor things that did not need for me to be grounded.

And half because I am a little bit worried about who my roommate actually is. I mean when you first look at her desk you see sketches and books, which makes you think that she is a nerd or a geek. It makes you relax for a bit thinking that we could study together for our exams. Then you take a closer look and you see the vape pen that are placed neatly in a handleless cup, like pencils. Then you realize that she smokes. Which makes you wonder in which crowd she actually fits in with. Well I was taught to never judge people before getting to know them, so that is what I am going to do. Give her a chance.

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