Old Friend

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I'd heard Damien- no, Mark, had died, or at least gone missing. I'd heard nothing, for a year. But, something seemed odd. His hair was messy, and he had dark circles under his eyes. Of course, I didn't care. He was here, and that's all that mattered to me. He smiles, though it didn't seem him. Something was different. But what? 

I pull him into a hug, burying my face into his chest. I missed him, so much more than I would admit. He hesitates, before wrapping his arms around me, resting his chin on my head. "I missed you, you nerd." I softly murmured into his chest, before he makes me look up at him. 

My breath stops in my throat, before I look into his eyes. There was something much, much darker there that hadn't been there the last time we'd seen each other. Like the man I was looking at wasn't the one I'd met all those years ago. It instilled a sort of anxiety in my subconscious, though I pushed it aside for now. I had my friend back, and that was all that really mattered to me. His next move surprised me more than anything. 

His hand reaches up, brushing a few stray hairs that had made their way in front of my face behind my ear, before leaning down and whispering, "Something tells me I'll be seeing a lot of you." Even his tone had changed, and with that, he let go and turned; and as he walked away walking away, I felt myself stare at the place he had once been. 

Tyler's voice breaks me out of my trance. "Miss, the meal is ready." He spoke nothing of the encounter with Damien- Mark(?) I'd just had, though I may have been wrong to assume he'd seen it. 

"O-oh, thank you," I could feel my voice quiver for a moment, before I cleared my throat. I follow him to the kitchen, goosebumps crawling across my flesh. I stifle a yawn, as he opens the door. I step inside, seeing the Colonel was already seated. He nods towards me, then to a chair not too close, nor too far. 

I sit down slowly, noticing the food sprawled across the table on our side. He must've hired another chef, or he made it himself. I couldn't see him doing that though. I take a cup of coffee, allowing the warm cup to slowly thaw my cold hands. I'd forgotten I'd agree to dine, and I couldn't help but look out the windows to my right. 

"I'm assuming you've met the other residents, yes?" Again, a voice breaks me out of my trance. I turn to face him, nodding a bit. It made sense now, what he'd said much earlier on, though I felt very unnerved about the entire thing.

"So... what really happened?" I look into his eyes, noticing there was a slight fear at the question I'd asked. 

"Do you really need that information? Ignorance can be bliss, you know." His voice seemed a bit off, as if he was scared. Tyler was standing near him as well, and refused to look at me now. Why was that..?

"I know that the reports lied about the things that happened, and I want to know if my friends are alright." I tried to make my voice firm, though it didn't really sound quite that way.
The Colonel looked at his whiskey glass in front of him, his glasses catching the light almost perfectly, making it impossible to read his expression. My stomach twisted a little, before he lets out a sigh. "Damien and Celine were taken into the mansion's walls, after trying the seance. Together, they inhabited Mark's body, and now..." He trailed off, and I knew exactly what he meant.

"Now they roam the mansion." I finished for him, my own voice quivering a little. Mark was dead, I knew that... wait- 

"Mark was killed by the mansion as well. This is an evil place, I'm sorry my dear but you should've stayed away." His voice was colder, much more rigid than his accent would've allowed. I look up to face him, but the Colonel I knew was gone, replaced with a black and white replica; but his eyes were missing. 

A thick, black liquid oozed down his cheeks, and out of his mouth. His head began to twitch violently, in ways the human body wouldn't allow naturally. I began to back away, my breathing beginning to pick up. I fixed this problem years ago, why was it coming back? I back into someone, and I whip around, but the daze I had been in was broken. Malak stood there, and he takes my arms, wiping away tears from my eyes. Did he know? No, he couldn't possibly- 

"It seems the mansion has it's grasp on you already, love. I'm afraid you cannot leave now." He seemed somewhat sad, though bored at this. I turn to face the Colonel, and he was back to normal, coming over worridly. What the hell was going on?

"N-no, that's my hallucinations, I know that's all it was-" Malak cuts me off at this.
"That's bullshit Jaidyn, you know that. Your father got that fixed many moons- years ago, correct?" How did he know that? Was he in my head? No; no, calm down. This is simply paranoia, he can't hear what I'm thinking. That's not humanly possible. 

"Yes, but-but they can still happen-" My voice shook, giving away my anxieties. I clear my throat, refusing to be that weak around these people. I was stronger than this. "They can still happen. That's simply a side effect of the-"

"Of the electro-therapy?" Damiens' voice filled the room, and I looked over at him for help. I knew Mark's memories were more than likely something this new person/entity would be able to access. Mark and I had been friends long before then, so when I told him my father was making me go to therapy... he knew about it, and everything that was going on.
I begin to mess with my ring once again. I was backed into a corner here. This was a 3 on one, and on a topic I didn't want to talk about. Tyler interrupts, thank god. "The meal is ready. Please be seated as it's brought out."

We'd sat down, and I allowed them to eat as much as they liked, simply poking at a salad and hiding it under larger pieces of lettuce. I had lost my appetite due to the conversation, but I noticed something. Malak and Damien were staring down one another, and I was suddently glad Tyler had decided to stay around me. His hand rested on my shoulder, if I were to need anything. 

"Jaidyn, may I speak to you privately?" Malak's voice filled the empty room, a discreet english accent showing through his speech. I look up, a bit shocked, and my face must've shown it, because a flash of a smile appeared on Damien's face, though it was hidden with a scowl. He must've not liked the white-haired male, as he sat just about as far away as he could from him.

"Y-yeah, sure." I twisted the ring under the table. My stomach twisted a bit, and I look up at Tyler, and I prayed he'd understand I wanted to get out of there. Thank god he nodded, before pulling my chair out so I could stand. "I'll be in my room," my voice seemed fairly strong as I look over to the curly haired male beside me. "I forgot where that is, could you show me please?" 

Tyler seemed to get the message. "Of course, my lady." The moment we had reached the stairs and had gotten away from the prying eyes of everyone else, I let out a deep sigh. "Thanks, Tyler," I smiled a bit, and he seemed a bit shocked. I'm assuming the Colonel never thanked him for doing things. 

"Who is Malak..?" I quietly asked him as we walked up the stairs, and I was thankful I had a friend here I could talk to. He seemed more relaxed around me, as well, which I was glad I could help him feel comfortable, and not like an underling. I know how much that sucked from experience.
"He came shortly after the events unfolded here at the manor. He and Damien don't get along due to their... heritage." I open the door to my room for Tyler to come in as well, and after following him inside, I shut the door. I plop onto the plush bed beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. Mark and Tyler were friends of mine since I was about 7 or 8, before Mark even knew that he wanted to do.The room was lavishly furnished, which was a little odd, and my suitcase sat by the grey comforter.

"Heritage?" I asked softly, relaxing a little. He nods a bit, glancing at the door. 

"You know that I'm not supposed to tell you about the people staying in the manor, however you need to know this so you can be properly prepared in case anything happens." 

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