Chapter 9 - "Vienna NO!"

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Aubrey's POV Chapter 9

It's been only two weeks from the day we came back to Tyrone. Vienna and Meagan have been getting used to being indoors living with Tyrone, it was mostly hard for Vienna as it was common knowledge to any who has known Vienna that she was never really a people person.

For as long as I had known, Vienna used the people she knew as sort of a safe zone. It helped her get control of her social anxiety, as well as her distrust for many things.

Getting Vienna to be comfortable was a long and painfully slow process, but Tyrone, even though young, had just as much patience as any other Kymari. With Tyrone's patience, Megan's encouragement, and my teasing, Vienna got settled much faster than I had expected. Oh and while we're at it, the odd substance vienna could spit from her fangs was actually venom, like hot tar, it would melt through things, and it was very sticky.

I whistled a greeting to Vienna as she trotted over to me, her ears pricked and her head held high,

"Guess what I found today"

"A.. microwave?"

She snorted and gave me a "what kind of answer is that?" look. She shook her head and nudged my wing, her scales changing between pink and purple.

"I found this" she mindlinked me while holding up length of string, I narrowed my eyes at it. I jerked back as my snout touched it, it was not a piece of string. It was hair. Long and thin, the lock of hair was a green cream colour. Vienna sent me an amused look, "what scared of some hair?". I turned my ink eyes to her, my mind voice was worried,

"Vienna this is a serious matter, no Kymari I've seen has green hair, especially that colour." she stilled, as if she never thought of that. "Where did you find it?" Vienna collected herself and she ruffled the odd fans behind her ears,

"Near one of the cargo bays" my tail twitched, that meant something was on one of those ships. I looked towards the living room where Tyrone would be,

"We should tell Tyrone about this, it could be a possible invasion or attack" she nodded and flew off into the room where he was reading something on a device. I could their quiet talking and tapped the table I laid on, This is worrying..


I watched as Vienna was suited up, her harness was small, but fit well. Both our harness were fire and venom proof, Meagan didn't it to be proof of anything except water.

She leaped onto the Tyrone's shoulder and I stifled a snicker. Vienna wasn't exactly small, she was larger than a domestic cat and her head came up to Tyrone's knees. So sitting on his shoulder wasn't the easiest, we managed to do it anyway.

She heard my snicker and turned to glare at me, her webbed fans shaking and puffing up like a frilled lizard.

"What's so funny Aubrey? I thought you liked the view from behind" I choked, my scales heating up and my wings flaring. I shrieked at her, my mind voice merely a squeak.

"Vienna NO!" she snickered and sent amusement down the link, Tyrone just watched with a grin.


Vienna: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Aubrey: ... 

Vienna: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Aubrey: No 

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