Chapter 2 - Aliens...?

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Vienna POV     ch 2

To say this couldn't be any worse, was an understatement. I had spent three months here, and I don't like it any better than I did before. About five weeks ago a new type of egg was created, the color reminded me a lot of the desert, Its shell was a sandy color with black diamonds.

I stretched out my arms and rested my head against them, I narrowed my eyes as I watched the sandy egg across from my perch they put in the bigger glass cage. My scales at the moment were light blue, purplish orange, and indigo. I yawned and scowled as I waited for it's inevitable hatching, a voice startled me.

"What are you doing?" I turned my head to peer at Megan who watched me curiously,

"I'm egg watching" I responded looking back at egg, she stayed silent and I took that as a sign that she understood that I wanted my silence. I stared at the egg anticipating when it would start cracking, second after second I started losing interest. I closed my eyes and yawned, "Tired already?" Megan asked somewhat amused. I opened one eye and glared at her, she shut her mouth and dived under the water of the fish bowl, I sighed and drifted off into sleep.

I was awoken when I had slipped off my perch, I dug my claws into the ground as the building shook, making me uncomfortable. I noticed while it was shaking that one of the latches on the cage door was unlocked, I looked over at Meagan who also had seen the latch and had the same idea as me. When the shaking was less bad I scrambled to my feet and to the door, I pushed on the door and pushed it open enough for me to squeeze through. Once successfully out, I flew up to the other latch and unlocked it for Megan.

She pushed the door open and we went to fly out through a hole in the ceiling but I paused, I looked over my shoulder at the egg that was untouched. I couldn't just leave it here could I? No, I can't leave it, who knows what could get to it. I flew back to the egg and unlocked a latch on the cage. Megan followed suit with unlocking the other one, when the door was open I ran in swiftly and grabbed the egg. We both flew out into the sky, I looked over at a dark cloud of dragonets that flew out of the building before us.

My blood went cold when I heard the sound of explosives and people screaming, Megan's mind voice was shaking as she mindlinked me.


Confused on what she meant by it, I followed where she was looking and my heart stopped. Large flying ships covered the sky, a yellow light was produced under it. I squawked and flew in place holding Megan back with my tail, "stay back! It might be dangerous!" I warned her. She flew back to fly beside me as we gazed upon the battlefield of man versus alien, my eyes widened in horror as when the yellow light traveled over a human, it would turn to a slime-like creature with clothes.

I flew back wards pulling Megan with me, "It's too dangerous, we can't stay here." my mind voice tone gave no place for arguing. Her tearful eyes met mine as I pulled her away from the city, she nodded and we flew towards a forest. I landed on a large branch of a banyan tree, Megan followed suit and looked warily around the forest. I frowned as the egg had gotten cold and looked over at Megan, "I'm gonna go put the egg under the sun" I mind linked her while spreading my wings.

I lifted off the ground, and I soon found a break in the trees. I landed on a large black rock that was soaking up a lot of the heat and decided that this would be good. I placed the egg down and curled up around it, I spread my wings allowing them to warm up. I laid there until I was disturbed by Megan landing next to me and curling up next to the egg, I hid a smile and placed up warm wings around her. I drifted off soon after. 


authors note;

Hello Audience! Sorry for the short chapter '^' 

oh the image at the top is what the banyan tree is suppose to look like ;0  

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