Chapter 4 & 5

Começar do início

    “What’s wrong?” he said low enough so that only I could hear him.

    “How did you get her to calm down so fast?” His face automatically began to burn, but he put his mask on.

    “My sister used to have panic attacks, it’s what I did to calm her down. Figured it would work.” He shrugged and looked away. I knew when he was lying, but I dropped it, leaving him alone.

    “Hey, babe.” I tensed up as Cheri came and propped herself on my lap, but she ignored it and began talking to the guys who weren’t listening to a thing she was saying.

Chapter 5: Celine

    I sat in the library with Shelly and Johnny in our everyday spot. It seemed to be the normal thing now, eating lunch with Johnny. He didn’t seem to mind though . He liked having us as company and if he didn’t he would just have to deal with it. I watched him and Shelly interacting and they both liked each other. I pulled out a bag of grapes.

    “Hey,John, catch.” I threw the grape at his face and it bounced off his nose. He narrowed his eyes at me.

    “Warn people next time,” he said. I rolled my eyes.

    “I said catch, maybe you just need to listen better.” He stuck his tongue out at me.

    “Ooooh so mature,” I said, sarcasm lacing my words. He only rolled his eyes and kept talking to Shelly.

            *            *            *

    Lunch with Johnny didn’t last long because he had to go to a doctor’s appointment.  I sat there with Shelly and we talked about all types of things from favorite classes to favorite songs.

    Later we were walking into physics where I saw Gray Eyes sitting in the back. I smirked and walked over to him.

    “Hey, Gray Eyes,” I said, sitting in his chair. He looked at me and his eyes widened.

    “Look, whatever I did, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Please don’t hit me.” I laughed at his scared expression.

    “I’m not going to hit you,” I said, still smiling. He seemed to relax a little and I hit his arm lightly. “At least not hard enough to hurt.” He smiled and relaxed even more.

    “I see. I didn’t get a chance to properly introduce myself, due to that,” He cleared his throat. “Incident.” I smiled and rolled my eyes.

    “I’m Daniel, but my friends call me Crooks and this here,” he said pointing to his blonde haired blue eyed friend that was sleeping. “Is Cage, but we call him Sleeping Beauty because as you can see he’s always sleeping.” I laughed and looked at the sleeping boy next to him, he was sort of cute, reminding me of this boy back at home that I had almost considered dating if I had the chance.

    “So, you the only two of Arsen’s friends in this class?” Crooks nodded and pulled a chair from another table for him to sit on.

    “Yep, but hey are you okay after everything that happened yesterday?” I blushed but nodded, letting him know that I was fine and didn’t want to talk anymore about it. He nodded.

    “Good, because I don’t like seeing girls cry.” I smiled and put a hand on his arm.

    “Are you a mama's boy, Gray Eyes?” He crossed his arms and looked away.

Hurt and AbusedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora