Chapter Ten ~ The Killing Begins

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 Chapter Ten

Anonymous’ POV

I was waiting for the right moment.

Waiting till it was dark enough.

Waiting till it was quiet enough.

Waiting till everyone had left…

Waiting till he was left alone for me to take down…



Mariah’s POV

I thanked Mary for driving me home… But I knew I had to do something… It felt so wrong… this whole façade that we put on in front of his mother… I loved Mary as if she was my own mother… I couldn’t lie to her anymore…  I quickly text Dale:

We need to talk… We’ll meet up tomorrow.



I contemplated… wonder if I should send it or not… but I pressed the send button anyway. Taking in a shaky breath… he replied really fast:

I should be out of the hospital tomorrow…. Meet me at my house at 7 o’clock… pm

You better come or else… you wasted my time for nothing…

That’s not usually a good idea….


I gulped; I knew he was being dead serious… even though it was only a text message. I wiped my fringe off my face, feeling clammy and hot. I decided I need a shower, as if I was washing the essence from him off my body. I turned on the shower, full blast hot, I scrubbed my skin till it was red raw. I broke open some healing wounds on my wrist. The hot water stung as it seeped into my cuts. Tears were on the brim of my eyes. No… I refuse to shed precious tears over a bastard like him. Even though at this stage I wasn’t going to cry over him, mainly the pain in my wrists and hips was the reason for me tears. But that was different.

I wonder what he was going to do… I hope he didn’t want to have sex again. The last time… that was just plain horrible. I shuddered and turned the taps off. I was scared again. Damn it... I was always scared.

I dried myself off and dressed into my pyjamas. Nothing special. Just an oversized shirt over the top of black pyjama pants. I twirled my hair into a half-hearted bun and then settling down into bed, tomorrow was a Monday, nothing really. I had nothing tomorrow except meeting Dale, but I was trying to take my mind off that. Maybe help Max on his mission to get Michael’s attention? But first... I need to understand Michael’s sexuality. Find out which pathway he takes. I smiled to myself. If Max and Michael do get together, they would be a cute couple. Oh and school… How could I forget school?? God… I hated that place.

It wasn’t long before I drifted off to sleep. I was happily dreaming of nothing when I heard a voice in my ear, “Mariah… wake up… you’re late!” i flung my eyes open and cursed under my breath, I flung my sheets off myself, but whilst trying to get up fast, I almost fell on my face again, I tripped and caught onto my bedside table, I cursed at my bed sheets, always trying to make me trip. I ran around my room, stripping off my clothes, and pulling on anything I could find, I quickly brushed my hair and cleaned my teeth at the same time. I quickly pulled my hair back into a dragon-tail. My bangs falling upon my face. I applied my make-up, doing it quickly, also my deodorant and body butter. Just as I ran down the stairs. I saw what the time was. IT’S FUCKING FIVE IN THE MORNING MARIAH! I cursed at myself; I huffed and decided that I was going to go for a walk.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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