Chapter Five ~ Could things get any worse??

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Chapter Five

Mariah’s POV

I am yet again dying inside. I have been avoiding Louis all week, things were becoming too complicated.  Dale beat me again last night, just simply because he can. I yet again, took a razor to my hips, today, I woke up, it was freezing cold and Dale was sick, so he couldn’t pick me up. I guess I got off from my beating today. Just as I was about to walk out the front door, Harry and Louis knocked, they had come to pick up Helena, “You getting a ride with Dale?” Harry looked at me quizzically; I purposely was avoiding eye contact with either of them, even though I could feel Louis’ eyes on me.

“Uhh… no. I was going to walk…” I smiled still not looking either of them in the eyes. “Don’t be daft!” Helena scoffed from behind me. “I’m sure harry won’t mind giving you a lift!” Harry smiled, “of course I don’t mind!” I started to protest but Helena started to shove me towards the car. I got into the back with Louis, still avoiding eye contact. I hugged my backpack close to my chest, praying that when we get to school Louis won’t do anything stupid… The whole car trip was quiet, as soon as Harry pulled up into school, I leapt out straight away and thanked him for the ride. I walked away as fast as I could, trying to get away. As soon as I reached my locker, a hand settled on my shoulder, I flinched and turned around, I saw Louis, his face was straight but his eyes held confusion.

“What’s the matter Mariah?” his voice was full of concern, I tried my hardest not to look into those crystal blue eyes of his. “Because I am really confused about what’s going on right now!” He was standing close, but not to the extent that it was uncomfortable, I tried to turn away from him, try to shrug him off, but it was truly impossible at this state. “Trust me Louis… I’m just as confused as you are!” I turned my back on him and opened my locker, shoving my bag in and taking out my books and pencil case. “Mariah… Please… Can we talk about this?” I opened my mouth to reply, but then the unmistakeable cry echoed in the hallways, “MARIAHHHHHHHH!” Louis tensed up and Max came running down the hallway, he crash-tackled me with a hug and kissed me on the cheek.

An uncertain flash danced across Louis’ eyes… oh shit… I thought to myself, he thinks something is going on between Max and me! Shit! Shit! Shit! “I’ll see you later Mariah!” he muttered walking off, I groaned and banged my head against my locker, “What’s the matter Mariah-bear!” Max cooed, gripping my shoulders, forcing me to look at him, “damn it Max! Things just got more complicated! He thinks something is going on between you and me!” Max laughed and patted my head, “well… he’s a silly boy to think so!” I snorted and shut my locker, locking it, then dawdling down the school hallway.

We went to class, we sat next to each other, I didn’t pay attention at all, i was to lost in my thoughts, an itching sensation clawed at my wrist, I scratched it, but it wouldn’t stop itching, I decided to ignore it, finding it strange. I began to doodle at the back of my book, not really paying attention to what I was drawing, “Now Mariah, why did Shakespeare send most of the fleeing characters into the forest of Arden?” Max nudged me; I snapped back into reality, “Uhh… sorry sir, I missed that…” Mr Younes scoffed, “please, would you care to pay attention to this class! We were just discussing Shakespeare’s ‘As you Like it’ I was asking why the Fleeing Characters chose the Forest of Arden as a place of safety?”

I rolled my eyes, such a stupid question, “the forest represents new life, so Shakespeare was depicting that they sought refuge in this Forest, this being their new life!” Mr Younes nodded approvingly, he turned his back, returning his attention to the rest of the class, Max nudge me with his elbow, “well... aren’t we the smartie?” I snickered, “not really… I do pay attention in class, unlike somebody!” I accused him, Max shrugged in defeat, “you got me there!” I smiled triumphantly, then zoned out again. Like I said, I usually pay attention in class, but, right now…. I couldn’t stop thinking about Louis…

When the bell rang, I was still sitting down; Max waved his hand in front of my face, then snapped his fingers, “Mariahhhhhh! Mariaaaahhhhh! MARIAH!” he squealed at me, I shook my head, “what?” I snapped, he put his hands up in defence, “the bell rang…” I cursed under my breath, then collected my things, rushing out of the classroom, Max hot on my heels. I slowed down for him and apologised for snapping. He waved it off with a flick of a wrist, we headed for music, I liked music, but I just didn’t like the teacher, Ms Peckanovic was a pain in the ass… she was so boring and her Russian accent was so overwhelming, she couldn’t teach music for shit. I huffed as I entered the classroom to see her writing something on the board. I took my seat next to Max, looking right at her, she didn’t seem to like me very much, but, I couldn’t care less.

“Remember class…. You’re viva on Mendelson occurs in less than a week! I hope you’ve got it all together Mr Norman!” her cold eyes settled on Max, he just smiled sweetly and replied, “you know me too well Ms! Of course I haven’t started!” Ms zeroed her eyes in on him; her beady eyes had gone dark from anger. When she turned back to the board, I clapped Max over the back of his head, “you need to start!” I hissed, he rubbed the back of his head, scowling, “I have! I just wanted to piss her off!” he spat back. I raised a questionable eyebrow, then he smiled, “I have less than one sentence of notes on Mendelson!” I let out a small wispy laugh, “I think that’s the most work you’ve done all year!” he scoffed, “You underestimate me Miss…” Max was cut off by the Russian accent, “Mr Norman! Do I have to kick you and your friend out of class?” she never referred to me as Mariah or by Miss, or even by my surname, I was always, ‘girl, friend or child’; it pissed me off so much.

“Well… I’d be happy to leave Ms Peckanovic! But… considering ‘my friend’ loves music so much, I think it’s acquired for me to shut up!”  She nodded in agreement, yet again she turned her back and Max pulled a funny face at her, I had to stifle a laugh that almost escaped my lips. Ms started talking, but it was boring, Max decided to entertain everyone else by putting his head down on the desk and snoring loudly. Ms Peckanovic kicked us both out of the room, the whole time we left in stitches of laughter.


“Mariah! Helena! Can you please come downstairs?” Naomi called up the stairs. I opened my door and peeped my head out, I shouted down the hall, “HELENA! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THIS TIME?” she materialized in front of me, “pssh…. I swear to god… I don’t have drugs on me!” she shifted her eyes, making me suspicious, but then we began to laugh so hard, that my sides began to hurt. “GIRLS! NOW!” Naomi once again called up the stairs; I watched as Helena galloped down the stairs, I simply just walked down them, like a normal person.  “Yes mother dearest?” Helena purred, Naomi just smirked, “well… your cousins are coming to stay for a while! How exciting!” Helena’s smile dropped off her face, “which cousins would this be? Please not the twins!” Naomi rolled her eyes, “of course it’s the twins!” Helena groaned, I had never met the twins, but according to Helena and her tense body language, they were not to be liked.

I thought about it for some time, “Well… this is the first time for Mariah to be meeting them! So they may be good! Even though I don’t understand the big fuss, Michael and Lucy are always so nice!” Helena muttered under her breath, “that’s only when you and dad are around…” she turned on her heel and stomped up the stairs, I followed closely behind, Helena fell face first onto her bed, grumbling, “what’s the matter?” I asked, cocking my head in confusion. “The twins…. They… well…. Michael isn’t so bad…. Lucy…..slut…..” she muffled into her pillow, “so…. You have nothing against Michael… just you dislike Lucy… because she’s a slut?” Helena nodded, “they’re same ages as us….” she grumbled, I raised a questionable eyebrow.

I was sort of looking forward to meeting these alleged cousins of Helena’s, but for all I knew, I could like them… or it could get awkward… everything could go wrong….


Short chapter…. I know….

But bleh….


I didn’t use my sister’s name

Nor my old English teachers name!



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Love you all



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