Chapter Six ~ New Comers

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Chapter Six

Mariah’s POV

As soon as I saw them get out of the car, I knew they were going to be trouble. They looked like spoilt, rich brats. The expensive clothing, the well-manicured hair and fingers, everything about them was perfect, their teeth, their height, their weight! They were like Gods or something. They stood in front of my and Helena, Lucy gave Helena a glare then turned her attention to me, she looked me up and down, zeroing her beady black eyes on me, she extended a perfect claw, expecting me to shake it, “Hello there, My name is Lucy, I guess you are the famous Mariah!” I reluctantly shook her hand; she walked past me, smiling brilliantly at Naomi. Michael stood in front of me, he smiled half-heartedly. I whispered to him, “don’t worry… I wish I wasn’t here right now as well!” he looked at me and beamed, chuckling slightly, then moving on.

“Seems you’ve already made a good impression on him!” Helena nudge my side, we stood their awkwardly at the front door still, we walked upstairs, I needed to finish homework and Helena was trying to get away from Lucy and Michael. I sat on my bed, writing out notes on Mendelson, considering that the viva was coming up soon. “Ohhhh Mariahhhhhh!” I sighed and looked up from my books and notes; Helena was smiling seedily at the door, only her head visible as she peeked at me. “Yes Helenaaaaa!” I imitated the voice she used with me. She ran inside jumping on my bed sending me, my notes and everything else flying off my bed. I was lucky enough to land back on my bed. “Whoops….” Helena mused, then turned her attention back to me. She beamed widely again, “Sooo…. How are things between you and Louis?” she teased me, I avoided eye-contact with her and picked up a book off the ground.

“It’s… well… complicated….” I stammered, I felt Helena’s eyes boring into me, “what do you mean it’s complicated??” I chuckled nervously, “well….” I was cut off by that high pitched voice, “who’s this Louis guy? Is he your boyfriend??” Helena and I both stared long and hard at Lucy, “I’m just curious!” with that she flicked her wrist and left us. Helena kept a straight face and got up, shutting my door tight. She sat down in front of me, giving me a look, she warned me, “Keep her away from Louis…. Trust me with this one….” With that she got up and left, leaving me in mystery.


“I MISSED YOU MARIAH!” Max screamed as he tore down the hall crash tackling me with a hug, Dale gave him a strange look, as if to say, “what the hell is wrong with you man? She’s MY girl!” Max let go of me, assuming his normal persona when he is around Dale. All of a sudden and blinding flash of blonde hair swopped in front of me, an arm linked in with mine, I looked and saw Lucy holding onto me for dear life, “Mariah… I’m lost and confused! Can you show me to my class room??” I was taken aback by the sudden show up. Dale looked down on her, something glinting in his eyes, Lucy saw it and let go of my arm, gripping onto Dale’s forearm, “my… what big muscles you have!” she seductively bit her lip, making eye-contact with him.

I shrugged my shoulders, she could have him for all I cared, let him beat her up for once… wait… what am I thinking? That was cruel of me. But I took a step back, Max looked at me funnily, “what?” I hissed, “Who is she?” he shot back, “Helena’s cousin… she has a brother!” Max nodded, “oh... Super hunk two o’clock!” I looked to where he gestured and immediately hid my face. Louis walked past me, but I knew he had seen me. “Sooo… do you have a girlfriend??” Lucy asked innocently, Dale looked down again, he was gobsmacked, but then smirked, “yes I do! Mariah darling!” he called me over sweetly, Lucy glared at me, letting go of his arm, I sighed and frowned, thinking of a lie, “sorry! I have to go! Me and Max have to go… do something…” I nudged Max in the ribcage, he stuttered, “Uhh… yeah… we have to go compare notes for English right?” nice cover up… “YES THAT’S RIGHT!” I exclaimed, “We’ll see you two later!” we walked away from them quickly, giggling at our lies.


“You stupid bitch! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MAX?” he knocked me to the ground, I stuttered, trying to get back on my feet, “n-n-nothing… I swear Dale!” he grabbed a clump of my hair, “don’t lie to me you stupid hoe!” He slammed me against the wall and watched me slide down it, “I’m not lying! We are just good friends!” he glared, his eyes dark, it scared me. “I don’t believe you…”


I hugged my knees to my chest and sobbed, I was in so much pain, I felt like I was on fire. I wiped away my tears as I heard someone coming up the stairs, “Dinner’s ready!” Naomi said cheerfully, I opened my door, “Uhh… Naomi… I’m not feeling so well… I’m not really hungry…” Naomi just nodded, “why don’t you go to bed and rest up?” I nodded and smiled, she frowned, coming closer, “are you okay Mariah?” I nodded, turning my back and closing my door. I stripped off my clothing and climbed into bed, wearing only my underpants and an oversized shirt. I closed my eyes, trying to shrug off the pain that erupted through my body.

I soon drifted into a troubled sleep. Not wanting to see dale tomorrow.


Louis’ POV

How could I have been so stupid, I mean… I knew her and max were close friends, but I never thought that they were that close. How they laughed and hugged each other and kissed each other on the cheek. He made her happy, I wished that I was that guy who gets to hold her and kiss her. But who are they going to keep this from Dale? I was suddenly scared for Mariah; I knew he was going to hurt her again. I can’t stand to see her in pain. When I arrived at school, she wasn’t here, I sighed, still worried about her. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder; I turned around and saw a serious max. I groaned “What do you want Max?” his face was solemn, nothing like the bright smiles he shares with Mariah. “It’s about Mariah…” I stopped and turned to listen, “what about Mariah?” I asked, my voice filled with curiosity.

“Well… it’s about Mariah and me…. You’ve got it all wrong… we aren’t together!” I rolled me eyes, “well it looks like you two are!” Max balled his fists, “I’m not with her! Trust me… I would never be with her! She’s not my type! We are just best friends? Is it so wrong for a guy and a girl to be best friends?” I was silent, “So do you believe me?” I nodded feebly, Max released his tension, releasing his balled fists, he turned away, I was relieved, nothing was going on with them. Well, that’s another problem gone… But if Dale has the same thoughts as me…. Oh god….


The next time I saw Mariah, she was talking to the new kids, they were Helena’s cousins, Michael was alright, maybe a bit stuck up, but his sister… she was trouble. She looked like she needed someone to save her; they were probably talking about something she didn’t want to hear about. I walked over smiling, “Oh hey Mariah! Didn’t you need to talk to me about something?” she frowned, but I took her hand and walked away with her. “Thanks!” she muttered, I let go of her hand, “nahh… it was nothing!” I smiled, “so I see we’re talking again….” She raised an eyebrow looking at me, “well… Max talked to me before… we sorted things out.” She nodded, then suddenly crashed me with a bone-crushing hug. I was startled at first, then hugged her back.

I never knew how much I missed hugging this girl. I laughed as I saw Harry and Helena walking past giving me a massive thumbs up, Mariah pulled away “what’s so funny?” she turned around to see Harry and Helena shiftily pretend nothing had happen. She shook her head, smiling. The bell rang and we parted ways, it was so good that we had become friends again; I had missed her so much.

As I walked down the hall I saw Dale up ahead, he glared at me, but I couldn’t care less. One day he is going to get punched, hard. I am hoping that the person doing the deed is me. The bastard deserves it after all the things he has done to Mariah.


There we go!

Chapter six


Thanks for the 6000 reads on Lost and found, IT’S ALMOST AT 7000!


I never thought it would get that far!

Love you all



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