Chapter One ~ I Can't Take This Anymore

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Chapter one

Mariah’s POV

*Five months earlier*

I woke up, feeling like shit, I looked in the mirror, my hair was a bird’s nest, I had panda eyes and my mascara had stained my cheeks. But the thing that stood out to me the most was the massive bruise forming along my jawline. He had hit me again last night, for no particular reason, all because he said that he saw me eating… I had an eating disorder thanks to him, but I didn’t binge eat; I just simply starved myself, sometimes an apple once every week. I poked my ribcage, I could see them sticking out of my shirt, I shuddered, I hated being so skinny, I felt so weak, if I was this weak I don’t know how much I could take of his beatings.

I ran my finger along my bruise, flinching from the pain, I instantly picked up my makeup kit, then hurried into my bathroom, I stripped off my clothing, looking in the mirror, my ribs, my hips, my collar bones… I could pretty much see every bone in my body, I redirected my attention to my hips, they had cuts all over them, I looked at my wrists, a few scars on either one, I was always afraid that he would notice, then beat me, so that’s why I cut mainly on my hips. I jumped into the shower, turning it onto full blast hot, no cold; I tolerated no mercy for myself.

I scrubbed my skin until it was raw, trying to destroy any essence of him on my skin. I felt tears streaming down my face, but they blended in with the water droplets of the shower. I stepped out of the shower, looking again at my malnourished body, wishing I had never met him; life would be so much easier without him. I dried myself off, dressing myself in black skinny jeans, short sleeved shirt and a tight hoddie over the top. I blow dried my hair, brushed it then straightened it, He hated my slightly curly hair, he was also telling me to dye it blonde, I refused, I knew I had to pay the price for refusing, but I loved my brown hair too much.

Once I was done, I started on the makeup, I grabbed out anything that would help cover up the bruise, once I was done, I started to work on the bruises on my arms, I didn’t need to bother with the ones on my stomach, no one would see them. I added some eyeliner, creating cat flicks, I admired at my eyeliner works, I had become an expert with the makeup. But that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. I sighed, another day of avoiding people who stared, another day of alienating people, ignoring my once best friend. I admit to being a happy girl, before I started to date him.

But now, I sat either with him or with my foster sister. My father is untraceable and my mother died in a car crash, leaving me an orphan, but then two kind people, let me into their home. I love them for that, the other night, I heard them negotiation on the topic adoption, which made me smile, I loved them and my foster sister. My foster sister, her name is Helena, she is the same age as me, but heaps prettier than me, I admit to being jealous of her. I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone knocked on the door, “Hey Mariah?” Helena’s voice echoed in the room, “yeah?” I replied, even my voice sounded horrible compared to hers, “Harry is driving me to school today! Want a lift?” Harry Styles was her new boyfriend; he was one of the biggest heart-throbs in school… “Uhh, sure, thanks!” I said loud enough for her to hear.

I heard the clicking of her boots walk away from my bathroom, I gulped, I knew I didn’t want him to pick me up, I so I’d take my chances with Helena and Harry. I took one last look in the mirror before heading downstairs, Helena was eating a small bowl of cereal, I just grabbed a glass of water, “aren’t you hungry?” she asked me, I shook my head, but right on cue my stomach rumbled, Helena dropped her spoon, giving me the ‘why are you lying to me?’ look, I just drank my glass of water, “honestly Mariah, you are a stick! Are you starving yourself?” I shook my head, but then my stomach rumbled again, it sounded like a dying elephant, I picked up a small green apple and crunched down on it, taking one bite, the noises died down a bit, but I started to feel sick, I chewed then swallowed, I felt disgusting, eating. Helena’s phone vibrated, she picked it up, scanning the text she nodded, the looked at me, “Harry said he was going to be late, he had to pick up Louis on the way, now there is traffic… I nodded, but then froze; Louis was going to be there…. I gnawed my bottom lip.

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