Chapter 59

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      A gentle breeze blew across the clearing as I watched Luxion from a little ways away. Luna really had done a number on him, he was still sleeping, tied sturdily to a tree. His messy black hair fell over his piercing blue eyes. Bandages were wrapped around his shirtless torso.

But he had also done quite a number on her.

It was hard to say who really won the fight considering both of their physical conditions at the moment, but it was mainly leaning towards Luna. She had knocked him out first, but if it had gone on longer, she would've lost.

Yet it hadn't gone longer. But something had triggered a sensitive spot when Luxion mentioned River and I. Then she had fought hard and won.

My thoughts traveled back to Autumn and Sky for a slight moment. They hadn't said a lot since I told them Luna and I were werewolves. They kept whispering to each other... moving away from us when we came near... I didn't know what to do about it.

Suddenly I heard light movement and I glanced swiftly upwards, sitting up in the soft grass. It was a rather cold day, a gust of wind blowing my hair upward into the air.

Luxion's intimidating eyes met mine almost instantly, and he jerked forward uselessly in his restraints; cringing in pain.

"No use fighting against the chains, Alpha." I whispered, tilting my head slightly as a gust of wind blew my hair into my face.

He didn't respond and kept pushing against them. I could see the burns as they singed his skin. He stopped when he finally noticed them. Luxion's gaze raked across mine; dead still, expressionless.

Then he smiled, actually chuckling, and closed his piercing eyes for a moment. I was confused... I didn't understand why he was amused with this situation.

"I lost." He grinned, a maniacal look triggering a twitch in his eye. "Do you know what that means, Phoenix? Do you?"

Silence spread between us and I stared at him blankly, his messy black hair scattered across his insane looking face.

"Luna's Alpha now."

It was dead quiet as disbelief trickled through my veins. His voice dripped with venom, his fists were balled and he slammed them into the ground. Rage glittered in his eyes as he glared back up at me.

I stood up, my feet almost dragging across the grass as I moved close to him, tilting my head, towering threateningly above him.

"Good." I whispered softly.

He bit his lip before snarling viscously, jerking upward in his silver chains and singing his wrists as he came face to face with me. His breath flew across my face as he growled a deep, rumbling growl.

"It's her choice." Luxion hissed through clenched teeth. "She can accept the position or give it back. She's not a monster, I know she doesn't want this. Luna has respect. She'll give it back to me."

I slammed my fist across his face, sending him reeling to the side, loosening the burning silver chains from his body.

"I don't care what she does." I watched Luxion spit out a drop of blood. "As long as you know that Luna beat you."

I knew I was being cruel. But the pack had changed me. I wasn't a helpless princess anymore, I knew I could fight, I knew I was stronger than before. But I had to promise myself I wouldn't turn into River. Or Luxion.

I swore to myself I wouldn't turn into a monster.

Turning on my heel, I began walking away from the enraged Luxion and back to camp. Luke was sitting there with Luna, and Autumn and Sky had went to go pick fruit for dinner.

Luke was the only one who didn't know about Luna and I being werewolves, and I intended to keep it that way. I didn't trust this dude at all, I had only just met him.

A smile pulled onto my face as Luna caught my gaze, "Oi! Luke, your watch!"

Luke grunted and pulled himself upward, flicking his blonde hair out of his eyes and saluting. "Yes ma'am."

I smirked, shoving my hands in my pockets. "Don't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because it's weird."

"You're acting like we're in the army, so I get to do it." Luke chuckled, running away faster than I could respond. "G'bye, sergeant!"

"Screw off!" I spat after him, rolling my eyes and moving over to Luna. She could finally walk now, but everyone was still forcing her to rest longer.

"Phoenix, you do need to relax a bit." She sighed, casting me a warm smile. "We won, okay? Let's not worry about everything now. We'll figure out what to do with Luxion soon enough."

I was quiet for a moment, watching the sunlight light up her pretty face, pastel hair pulled up into a messy bun.

"What are you going to do, Luna?" I whispered softly. "You're the Alpha now-"

"I'll accept it." Luna quickly interrupted me, kicking her feet outward to relax. She looked as if she had thought about this for a while; like she had expected me to ask this question. "I'll rule this forest stronger than Luxion ever did; and I'll be fair and respectful too. I just want to know one thing?"

I stared blankly at her, my heart pounding in my chest. Confidence was practically radiating off of her, making me shrink backwards slightly.

"Will you help me, Nix?" She whispered. "Be my Beta? Autumn and Sky can join too, if that's what they want. We're stronger together, and I'm not letting go of you now that I have you back..."

I blinked, taking a deep breath. Her voice faded away weakly and the confidence practically drained from her expression. She shifted uncomfortably, looking at the ground.

"Yeah," I spoke softly, excitement rising up inside of me. "Yeah, Luna, I'll do it."

She smiled excitedly at me and I balled my fists, a broad grin pulling on to my face. I moved closer to her, wrapping my arms around her bandaged waist and pulling her into an emotional hug. I squeezed her close to me like we would never let go.

"Let's rule the world, Phoenix."

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