Chapter 47

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          The pack stood in a circle together, in the middle of the forest. Excitement was electrifying in the air, the dark night sky glittering above our heads.

River was standing next to me, calm as ever, and every few seconds our gazes would lock together. We hadn't spoken since that night, and the tension between us was physically hurting me at this point.

But before I could even attempt to muster a word, the familiar violent pain erupted throughout my body.

The entire pack doubled over in pain, Echo and Storm actually dropping to their knees. Watching everyone turn really distracted me from my own excruciating pain. The morphing was so fascinating; and yet, so painful, you couldn't really focus on it until it was over.

And it was soon over. What were once normal people around me were now massive, snarling, monstrous wolves.

Luxion being the biggest.

I struggled back the urge to let Harlequin free, digging my claws into the ground, glancing slightly at River.

She was larger than me, more muscular too. Her pelt was a dark grey, white stripes dashing along her spine. Her eyes were still the dark blue, and yet they glowed slightly now.

"Let's move, stay close to me."

Luxion's voice rumbled in my head and I stumbled slightly on my massive paws. My firey red pelt was more visible than the others; who had either black, grey, white, or brown with little fur detail.

The pack watched as Luxion turned around, pushing off into the dark forest. We followed just seconds later, as quiet as mice and yet more massive than two trucks combined, each.

It would've been hard to keep up with them, but thanks to the Alpha and his training everyday, it was quite easy.

The entire pack let out powerful howls, making the quiet forest rumble and practically bow down in fear.

River glanced at me as we moved stealthily along the ground, twisting around trees and leaping gracefully over large clumps of bracken.

"Race you?" Her voice burned inside my head and a smirk pulled onto my muzzle, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth.

"You want to lose that bad?" I unsheathed my claws, flicking my ears at her.

Taking off into the trees before she could even respond, I howled with excitement, the wind blowing through my silky smooth, rusty red fur, the chilly night air filling my lungs.

I heard her catching up to me and I pressed harder, passing Luxion as he growled his disapproval. She leapt on top of me, causing both of us to tumble across the ground, massive bodies pressing against each other.

"You cheated, princess-"

I kicked her off of me with my powerful hind legs; shrugging and licking my paws.

"No, I just got a small headstart." I responded through her head once more. I was really getting the hang of this telepathic speech.

"Which was cheating."

"When did we establish rules?" I snorted, growling a chuckle. Luxion padded over to us moments later, shaking his head with irritation.

"River, when did you become the childish one, hmm?" He snapped in both of our heads.

She looked up apologetically, licking her chest fur awkwardly, "Sorry, Alpha."

I glanced at her as she followed Luxion back to the rest of the pack, who were resting in a clearing, basking in a pool of silver moonlight. It was weird seeing River slightly afraid or even nervous. Only Luxion did that to her.

But then I heard it.

The slight snapping of a twig behind me.

My ears pricked, the fur along my neck raising as I spun around; unsheathing my long and razor-sharp claws. A scent rolled across my nose and confusion immediately began swirling through my brain. I let out a deep, rumbling snarl, attempting to scare away the familiar scent.

It wasn't a deer, no, it was something so familiar, on the tip of my tongue...

I saw the eyes, the piercing, unnatural blue eyes, I saw the silver pelt.

My heart seemed to drop in my chest and I pushed forward almost immediately, ignoring the thorns from the bracken as they pierced my skin, bursting towards her. Overwhelming happiness flooded throughout me as I nuzzled beside her, her soft growl filling my ears. 


I didn't care how dangerous it was anymore. She was here. She was with me.

Her warm pelt brushed against mine as we nuzzled each other, too overwhelmed with joy to even mutter a word. She whimpered slightly, pressing her nose against mine, her soft silver fur practically glowing in the moonlight.

"How did you-"

"Shut up," She interrupted me, pressing closer against me and burying her snout in my chest fur. "Phoenix, I missed you so much, please come back with me."

Her eyes were glowing with desperation, her snout close to mine, ears pricked eagerly. "We can get away from them. I'm so close to you, but you're always out of reach, and I just..."

Sadness immediately engulfed my mind as she broke off her thoughts, and my powerful legs felt weak.

"I can't, Luna, they're going to find me, you know that."

Pain glittered in her eyes at my non-verbal words, her ears flattening slightly. She never let her wolf's face get further apart from mine, though.

"No, Phoenix, you can't do that to me, to Autumn, to Sky," She whimpered painfully. "This is your kingdom, remember? You're the princess. You're my-"

She broke off, growling slightly, digging her claws into the ground. Sympathy poured throughout me and I pressed closer to her, desperation and pain piercing my heart.

Then an idea formed in my head.

"We can meet." I pawed at the ground nervously. "Every few days. By the border stream at night. We can make a plan to get out of here."

Excitement out clouded the desperation in her eyes slowly, as the idea resonated with her. She nodded quickly, pressing her soft forehead against mine.

By now I heard Luxion calling my name. I glanced at Luna once more, pressing against her, feeling her warm body against mine, smelling her minty, gentle scent. With one last desperate, affectionate nuzzle, I turned away.

"Please, promise you'll be there, Phoenix."

"I promise."

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