Chapter 28

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Silence echoed around the room as I lay, relaxing in the tiny shaft of warm sunlight flowing in through the little window. It got very cold in here, so this was the only way I wouldn't practically freeze to death.

Suddenly, I heard keys jingling outside the steel door. I didn't even bother moving as the door swung open, and an all too familiar man stepped into the room.

Luxion's gaze traveled down to me, his hands in his pockets along with the key.

"Feeling good today?" He queried, voice deep and masculine.

I just stretched in my little bit of warmth, choosing to ignore his idiotic question. He had kidnapped me. How could I possibly feel okay?

"It's been three days, Phoenix, your wounds are mostly healed, you look nice and healthy." Luxion shut the door and strolled over to me, sitting down and resting his arm on his knee.

I glanced at him, groaning and sitting up. "Great. Thanks for your help. Can I go now?" I snapped, half snarling in his face.

A chuckle bubbled from his throat as he looked at me. "No, Phoenix. The test will be today."

Tense silence shocked the air as we stared at each other. I had grown more and more angry at Luxion, everytime he comes in to talk to me. I didn't know why he bothered helping me when I had a high chance of dying in this 'test'.

"Let me explain how it works, and of course the rules." Luxion sighed, leaning against the wall as if his explanation was going to take a while. Glaring at him, I backed away a little bit before getting more comfortable. There was nothing else I could do but listen.

"The test is a hunt, of sorts," Luxion began scratching his chin in thought. "I'm the hunter. You're the prey."

My mouth dropped open and I stared at him incredulously. Fear began crawling it's way into my mind and my heart began pounding in my chest.

"Survive two nights without getting killed, you'll gain my respect, i'll be your mentor, and you'll be initiated into the pack." He looked me dead in the eyes, making me even more terrified.

"What if I don't want to join the pack? What if I just want to leave?" I tried to sound strong but it came out as a desperate whimper.

Luxion shook his head. "That's out of the question."

I narrowed my eyes slightly, blowing tangled honey brown hair out of my eyes. He couldn't make me join the Nightstar pack. Right?

"Now. You're in a bunker right now. We're in the middle of the woods." He continued slowly, twiddling his fingers. "There's a river that curves around most of this forest area, and that's the point you cannot cross. If you do, you'll be disqualified and i'll kill you anyway."

Luxion sounded so casual yet his words terrified me. I didn't want to die. I needed to be smart with what I did.

"Once we're outside, you'll have a five minute head start to run. Then the test will begin. No rules aside from the river point. Also, I will not hunt you during the day, you can rest during that time. Are you ready?" He grinned excitedly as I stared at him with wide eyes, my heart pounding rapidly.

"No," I whispered, petrified.

"Too bad." Luxion smiled happily, getting to his feet and offering his hand to help me up.

Shrugging it away, I got unwillingly to my feet, terror overwhelming my body. I followed him shakily to the door, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. There was only a tiny ladder on the other side of the door, and Luxion was the first to climb out of the bunker, pulling something heavy off the roof.

I held back the strong urge to just run once I was out, to see if a miracle would occur and I could escape this monster. It was evening, the sun drifting below the horizon. My eyes had to adjust to the light, as I had been in the bunker for about three torturous days.

"Five minute head start." Luxion snapped me back out of my thoughts and I turned nervously to look dumbly at him.

"Run, Phoenix."

Staggering backwards in a daze, my legs seemed to carry me out through the trees, picking up speed out of fear. I didn't know where I was going. I needed to find someplace to hide, because I assumed Luxion would be much faster than me. Much stronger, too.

Sliding across dewey, fallen leaves, I pressed onward, my lungs hurting slightly from lack of oxygen as I ran. Without even thinking, I leapt upwards and grabbed a low hanging tree branch, hauling myself up as high as I could possibly go. Thousands of leaves covered me from sight as I clung to the oak tree, peering downwards. It was getting very dark now, although I could still see with my wolf vision. Not as vivid as daytime, though.

It was only a little while before I heard footsteps below me. Tensing up, I remained as still as physically possible, gazing down below me.

There he was.

Taking his sweet time, Luxion was strolling along, looking at the ground as if he was picking up my scent. Horrified, I watched as he stopped beneath the tree, hands in his pockets, shifting on his feet casually.

Then he looked up. He looked up straight into my terrified eyes and I jerked backwards, heart pounding, clinging sweatily to the tree.

Casting a quick, petrified glance downwards, I watched a smile creep onto his smug face. To my complete shock, Luxion shrugged his shoulders and began walking away, hands in pockets, kicking up dirt.

"Goodness, Phoenix, I thought you would be more difficult than the others." His voice sent shivers down my spine, my breathing rapid. "Such a pity."

Squeezing my eyes shut, I felt hot tears stream down my cheeks, horror tensing my body. Was I going to die?

I heard Luxion let out a long sigh from below as he circled the tree, slowly, as if stalking his prey. "I guess i'll give you one last chance to prove yourself."

He began walking away, I heard his footsteps fading into the night.

"Don't make me regret this, Phoenix."

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