Chapter 46

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I was extremely excited for this night. The one night of the month I could be free, the one night I could do whatever I wanted, where I could meet Phoenix... the full moon.

All I had to do was get past Luke, Autumn and Sky.

The sun was setting slowly below the horizon, turning the sky a beautiful shade of pink, orange and red. Luke was throwing some sticks into the fire, while Sky and Autumn were relaxing near the flames. Sky's wound was still pretty bad, but at least now she could actually move. Plus, Autumn hadn't left her side once for the past few days.

"So, Luna, how long do you think your walk will be?" Luke brought up the dying question, almost as if he knew what I was thinking.

Autumn and Sky instantly turned towards us, curious looks spread across their pretty faces.

"I don't know," I spluttered, running my hand nervously through my hair. "It really depends on if I'm tired or not."

The lie was smooth, and all three of them seemed to buy it. Which I was grateful for.

"Yo, Luna, you told this dude that you were going on a walk and not us?" Autumn asked, clearly offended.

I looked up at her apologetically, "Sorry, I didn't want to bother you two."

A light blush spread across Sky's face, and Autumn looked very flustered. My gaze traveled between both of them quickly, suddenly very intrigued.

"What?" I glanced at Luke, but he seemed as confused as I was. "Why are you acting weird?"

"We're not," Autumn snapped, her face beet red. "Now go on your walk, Luna."

I looked at both of them, curiosity rooting my feet to the ground as I stood.

"Are you sure-"

"Yes, we're sure." Sky blurted, not catching my gaze.

A smirk pulled onto my face and I shrugged, stuffing my hands in my pockets and spinning on my heel, strolling off into the forest. I sort of assumed what was going on, I had known it was going to happen for a while. Both of them, although they were my best friends, always had a connection of their own.

It was super noticeable, even though both of them would never admit it. I mean, maybe they would, but it would probably take a long while.

But I was willing to be as patient as they wanted.

The sun was barely noticeable now, and the sky was turning it's beautiful; star covered ink black. I hadn't noticed how late it actually was until now, and I quickened my pace along the forest floor, trying to control my pounding heartbeat.

This same rush always took over me before I turned. The overwhelming amount of things you can smell, hear... I loved it with all my heart.

Pulling off my top and baggy pants, I gazed at my flat, toned stomach. Ember's runes were still etched finely around my waist, and a small part of me was still afraid of what she could do. Where was she, anyway? She had promised to come back and get her revenge.

But I wasn't even there, anyway. She couldn't find me, right?

Violent pain interrupted my nervous thoughts and my legs crumpled beneath me. Razor sharp nails morphed across my hands, hair growing in a whirlwind of wildfire and I got taller by the half seconds. All of it came with so much unbearable pain, and yet, it was over in the blink of an eye.

Welcome back, Kira.

I moved gracefully along the ground, embracing my lean, muscular wolf, my massive paws indenting footprints in the muddy soil. Powerful muscles rippled across my body in every step I took, and I was hyper aware of everything going on around me.

I knew the Nightstar pack was here, too, and they usually traveled together on full moons. So if I found them, I would have to somehow lure Phoenix away. 

Then, a scent caught my attention.

I tilted my head to the side swiftly, unsheathing my claws. A deep growl erupted from my throat and I narrowed my glowing eyes.

Then he stepped out of the bracken. Blonde hair tousled and messy, eyes wider than moons.


I was conflicted. Rage was boiling throughout my body and yet I stood my ground, never letting my gaze stray from his. Did he know who I was? 

"I'm not here to hurt you," He whispered, his voice shaking slightly as he took a step closer to me.

The fur lifted along my spine and I growled slightly, dropping to all fours. Even like this I was a thousand times larger than him. He sure had some guts to get this close to me.

I had places to be, anyway. He was wasting my time. If this was all he wanted to see, then I guess I would leave.

Turning slightly and moving powerfully past him, the force of my movement knocking him wildly to the ground, I padded forward towards a large patch of bracken.

"Wait!" He yelled, scrambling desperately to his feet, fear and awe plastered across his face. 

I stopped, slowly, glancing behind me, nostrils flaring.

"Who are you?"

Staring at him silently, my large, pointed ears pricked at his words. He didn't know who I was, and that was a really good thing. A really good thing.

Nobody you need to know.

He seemed shocked that I could actually communicate with him through his head, and he stumbled slightly on his feet.

Dipping my head slowly, I leaned back on my haunches and leapt gracefully onto a tree branch above me, grasping it with my claws and glancing down at him once more. He was smiling stupidly, his eyes wider than ever as I moved along the sturdy branch, jumping higher into the canopy to get away from his piercing gaze.

I knew it was dangerous for Luke to be out here right now, but it was a very good thing he ran into me instead of a pack member. He would've been gone in mure seconds.

Not that I would've cared.

Moving stealthily through the trees, my silver pelt blending in with the moonlight, I let out a thundering howl as the slight breeze traveled through my fur. It felt brilliant to be Kira again.

Now, all I had to do was find Phoenix.

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