Seventeen - Kim - Orion's Belt

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"Miss Kim? I'll give you improvisation!" Gregors declared to her as the group left for their trek. If Kim heard right, Indigo was tasked with practicing self-deprivation, and Robert got 'woke' humour. Kim thought about what that could mean. She noticed the stiff motions of Marcus on more than one occasion. While she didn't outright make a comment on it, she sensed that something was wrong. There had to be, she felt that undeniable tension choking the air.

The posse's walk to the park featured minimal words and the pattering of uncoordinated feet. Gregors bolted ahead of the rest, gesturing where to go. Robert mumbled incoherencies to Marcus, but stammered a bit too quickly to get out the conversation. Marcus had the most distance from all of them, sheltering himself with his own thoughts, Kim mused. If she could take the chance to engage with him one-on-one, maybe the layers would start to graciously peel away.

Apparently, the soft hymns from a gospel church they passed struck a chord with Marcus, adding some spring to his hollowed steps. This happens as they drift themselves to the widespread park. Robert paces ahead with Indigo, the latter glaring up to the overcast spells of sky. Kim decided to jot down the sight of men lifting a car, she didn't have a great reason why, but given she had to do improv, something random looked like the best way to start.

Marcus again acted out as the dark horse in the group, darting off in his own pathway to an empty brown bench, splotches of paint rippling over it. He sat down and sighed deeply, while having sweat trickle down his head. Kim steadied herself, looking at Marcus to try and decipher what he was feeling. Normally, someone's emotions could be telegraphed from their body language, facial expressions, and broad demeanour.

Marcus had little of that, a blank canvas with different styles of white on it.

Kim cleared her throat. "Excuse me, can I take a seat?" She asked, putting on a smile, where she could still feel little quivers. Marcus stared at her and nodded, looking back up at the sky. It was obvious he had no intention of observing anything except the large cloud hovering above them. Marcus believed her to be seeing him like the others did. A man to pity for, and nothing else. She gave him a pleasant surprise after she laid down her clipboard.

"What's it like?"

"What's what like?" Marcus replied back, sitting up out of his arched posture and fully facing her. Kim strained, lacking the social skills to word it any differently?"

"Your poker face."

He'd never heard anyone use that term about him. Usually, like Delilah would do regularly, label his behaviour akin to statues, or just bluntly ask if he suffered from mental illnesses. A poker face, still not gentle, but did sound nicer. "It's a blank slate. I try to feel what you all feel, or simply pretend to. No, emulating human behaviour is too high a request for me." He spoke, more soft than he did before, letting go of the guard around him. Kim couldn't be sure, but maybe she's earned his small trust for now. Maybe.

"I probably shouldn't be saying this when this is the first time we've spoken, but have you ever considered going to meditation classes?" She asked, being wary with her wording. Marcus shook his head, like he too was forging an idea of what to say next. Kim continued on, whether he listened or didn't. "People say one of my redeeming qualities is my ability to relax people. According to almost everyone I know, they believe me and my explanations of space are either so engrossing or bland that they switch off their concerns, and imagine themselves in the deep vacuum, floating, orbiting, staring at the expanses of the ever growing universe."

"So, concepts such as Orion's Belt?" He queried, looking at her, suspenseful of something. "Indeed. While I don't think I'm destined for astrology, fitting as it may be, I still ponder and gush at the outer worlds. Questions, speculations, theories, everything, all waiting to be answered. I wonder how many will turn out still blank by the next generation." She pondered, drifting off to her subconscious, spilling thoughts grounded by nostalgia and wild leaping guesses.

"Since you asked about it and seem keen to start somewhere with fulfilment, I'll explain what I know about the belt. Maybe we could impress Mister Fogelis by the end of it with a space joke. Anyhow, Orion's Belt is made up of three stars. Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. To the east, the line of the Orion's Belt points toward Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, located in Canis Major constellation. To the west, the three stars point in the direction of Aldebaran, the brightest star in Taurus constellation, and make it easy to locate the famous Pleiades and Hyades star clusters..."

By that point, Marcus had grown sickly of it, just as Kim wished for. He interrupted her before her expository nature got out of hand. "Did you study space before this?"He asked suddenly, halting her in her tracks, now all fumbled for what to say.

"Erm...former astrophysicist. Yeah, I didn't enjoy it a whole lot." She said, scratching the back of her head. Marcus  hummed in understanding. "Yeah, I hated my old job too. That's when I realised that sometimes, self-serving is better than selflessness." He replied.

Many yards away from the babbling pair on the bench, a trio of children were catching a frisbee, when one aimed a bit too astray, and it hurled relentlessly, making contact with the back of Kim's head. She winced at the impact and glared at the frisbee, lobbing it back to the panic-ridden kids in frustration. Their attempt to apologise infinitely becomes backhanded when Kim lashes out at them. A park ranger witnesses this and calls her over for a scolding.

Gregors caught up and looked to Marcus immediately for answers.

He shrugged.

Next time, Delilah will meet Marcus in a way she had no idea she would do.

Bye! (RIP Chewbacca)

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