Eighteen - Delilah - Flipside

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Delilah was done sobbing.

Even though she could've just unintentionally gotten herself single again with her comments, she still had a problem that needed solving. Something to clear her head, keep her brain concentrated, blocked off from any thoughts. She'd ended her e-mail with a request, to meet Ashley at the Akva, the comedy club where she's assuming her distraught boyfriend is holed up in. Delilah couldn't take the bus, for if she was merely a second too late, Ashley likely would've made her punishment all the more severe.

Delilah hopped on her dusted bike and pedalled recklessly to reach her destination. Once there, she flimsily left her bike on the edge of an alleyway, where it's vulnerable. She had miraculously made it to Akva before Ashley did. Her face lit up. Finally, some swift relaxation without an old hag breathing down her neck. It wouldn't last long, though, as Ashley arrived when Delilah had just received her drink.

Ashley approached her slowly, eyeing the cider. Delilah noticed this, and her face was stuck to Ashley's one, stern and stoic. But her malevolent coworker snorted back at her insult, hitching a seat and impatiently tapped on the bar table. "You call me over to drink afternoon beverages, or to settle this like adults." She spoke suddenly, taking Delilah aback. How was any of this insane ordeal her doing?

Delilah outright refused to back down. Today had already shaped up to be relatively gut-spillingly awful, and Ashley, try though she may, could never make it worse. "I'm sorry. Me getting blackmailed is somehow my fault?" She asked. Ashley nodded profusely, before glaring at Delilah, face scrunched up. Delilah felt her face begin to melt and the urge to slap Ashley onto the floor was highly tempting.

Ashley turned away from her on the stool, and laid her hands off the table. Delilah instinctively clutches her arm, shivering. Ashley winces and tries to recoil back, but Ashley plays the role of drama queen too damn well. Now, Delilah was stuck in a claustrophobic room with a bouncer outside. It was difficult to see him hovering over the door, let alone get a sense of direction. The stench erupted in the room, it's insane.

"Is she gone?" Delilah asked in a sweet voice. The bouncer turned his head slightly. "Miss Adelstein has left, indeed." He acknowledged, clearly showing some memories of things, she was impressed by his skills. Knowing that the bouncer wouldn't move a muscle for another decade if he stayed secluded there. Delilah scanned the room for anything useful. All she found was an old box of alcohol yet to be opened fully. Eyes always on the bouncer, she slowly grabbed one out of the box, and takes a quick sip.

Delilah has gotten thrown so much loss, she deserved this as a break, when all seems undeniably dire. The bouncer soon catches her drinking it. He disgruntled face stares down at her like a plank. He shoves the box out her grip and snatches her cider, only to drink it soon afterwards. She's visibly irritated by this, as she rarely consumes alcohol without the slightest repercussion. She chases him past the small crowd, hoping at least one degenerate would notice. Much to her dismay, he lures her into the spotlight and openly throws a bottle of cider centre stage. Before blinking, Delilah faces the crowd unapologetically, and screws to open moments before a huge ovation as she attempted to chug the whole thing.

Obviously, Ashley would use this as punishment for wasting her time.

Also, Marcus, now back from the park, she sees him talking to Gregors, is shocking when his eyes catch sight of his finance dancing to no music, just claps for her. And not just her personality where they cheering for.

Marcus reunited with Gregors, who's been apprehensive to talk to him thus far. It can be exhaustive at times for him, nevertheless they prophesied about reincarnation together. Common ground, perhaps.

"My issue, Gregors, is I have trouble with feeling, well, anything." Marcus confessed, lifting the veil to one more individual. In response, Gregors prodded at Marcus' chest in a joking manner, but his face held all forms of worry. People with no emotions can't necessarily be considered people, now can they?

It was that confession that ended the first strenuous day in the club, with both men overdue for a rest. Awkward silence ripples through the air. Gregors decided to break it, when he laughs at a new act onstage.

Marcus whipped round, distraught to see his fiancé reduced to this. A drunk, emotional mess of a women. She paled when compared to the Delilah Benson Marcus has every wish to marry. All this worry, all the panic and the misery, due to one person.

Marcus hauls off his seat, and immediately sets off for MJA.

Gregors reached out for him to come back, but heard the loud thud coming from the stage, and turned round, eyes widening to see Delilah had vanished from the stage, ending up on the floor, surrounded. Unconscious.

Happy May 4th!

Saw Endgame again, wow! Amazingly lives up to all the impossible hype. What an experience I'll never live through again.


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