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Ryan heard the door, and hurried to answer it. He pulled the door back and broke into a huge grin. "Hey guys!"

  On the other side of the doorway, stood Spencer and Jon, with their wives Linda and Cassie. The group all smiled and said their hellos as Ryan moved aside so they could come in. The guys had finally been able to find an evening in everyone's schedule that worked to have the group over to their LA place.

  Just then, Brendon came into the living room. "Oh man, I'm so glad you guys are all here. Welcome, finally, to our new home!"

  Ryan and Brendon had finally moved out to LA, like Jon and Spencer, about a month prior. They both found better prospects for work in LA than they'd had in Vegas. Brendon took the job at Fueled By Ramen, assisting Spencer. Ryan got a job at a publishing house, doing editing work. They made better money and had a nicer apartment. Life in LA was an improvement they were really enjoying.

  They had been together just over two years now, and married for a little over two months. Ryan was as happy as he'd ever been in his life. He was so in love with Brendon, now his husband. He was so incredibly glad that he'd finally broken through and managed to let go of the past and not denied himself the chance for happiness with this wonderful man.

  Brendon brought everyone through the hall and into their living and dining room, bringing drinks for everyone to enjoy. Brendon, too, was so content and happy in his life, especially with Ryan. He didn't mind all the crappy dates he had suffered through anymore, because they made him appreciate the amazing man he'd married that much more.

  "So guys," Spencer began, "I know me and everyone else is dying to know: what's this big surprise you guys have for us?" The guys still hadn't told anyone close to them (outside their parents who were there) that they had gotten married.

  Ryan turned to Brendon and grinned. Brendon stepped closer to his side and slid his arm around Ryan's waist, a sweet smile gracing his lips. Ryan slipped his arm around Brendon's shoulders and squeezed, as he turned and kissed his temple gently.

  "Guys! You are killing us here!" Jon laughed.

  "Ok, ok," Brendon chuckled. "Well...remember when we went to Paris on vacation a few weeks ago?"

  Spencer rolled his eyes. "Of course we do, goofball. It's only been a few weeks, like you said."

  "Yeah...well, we didn't exactly go on vacation," Ryan said, smiling.

  "What?" Jon asked, looking confused. "What exactly did you do then?"

  Brendon looked at Ryan, and they both reached inside their shirts and pulled out chains, threaded through matching gold rings. "We went there to have a honeymoon," Brendon grinned. "We got married a little over two months ago."

  "Holy shit!" Jon exclaimed, jaw dropped and eyes wide. "Guys, that is awesome! We're so happy for you!" He walked quickly over and pulled Brendon into a hug, Spencer doing the same with Ryan.

  They broke from the hugs and Spencer wiped a tear from his eye, smiling at both men. "Seriously, this is just the best news. You guys belong together."

  Ryan looked at Brendon warmly, and Brendon smiled back at him. "Thanks, Spence.  There's absolutely no doubt about that."

- FIN     -

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