Chapter 11

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Life was good for Ryan and Brendon. They had a close, tight-knit relationship, exactly how both of them wanted it. Ryan had healed from his grief at losing Sam. He would always think of him, and remember their love fondly, but he had allowed himself to move on and was fully devoted to Brendon.

Brendon too, had moved on from all the loss and disappointment he had suffered from the less than ideal dating life he'd had before Ryan. He had a trust in Ryan that he'd never had in anyone else in his life before, and was committed completely to their relationship.

They'd been together for over a year and a half now (22 months, to be exact). Living together had worked out well for them. They loved holding one another tight each night, and waking up to each other's warmth every morning. They were together a lot, but that's what worked for them - they both wanted it that way. They still made time to do things with friends separately, especially when Spencer or Jon were in town, but were happiest in each other's company.

One afternoon, Ryan had returned home from work before Brendon. Usually, Brendon had made it home before him. Ryan couldn't help himself: that made him nervous. After losing Sam the way he did, Ryan hated departure from the routine. He took a few deep breaths and got his nerves under control. He knew that panicking would do nothing to help him.

Sure enough, within the next ten minutes, Brendon came through the door. As soon as he sat his bag and keys on the table, Ryan engulfed him in a huge, tight hug. Brendon returned the hug immediately then pulled back to look at Ryan.

"You ok, Ry? Not that I don't welcome the hug, but you seemed nervous..."

Ryan bit his lip. "I'm ok, Bren. Just...when I got here and you weren't home yet, it scared me a little." Ryan looked down at his feet.

Brendon looked at Ryan sadly and cupped his face with his hand. "Oh, Ry, I'm so sorry. I got stuck on a phone call and was late leaving. I'll be sure to let you know next time. But I'm here now, and everything's alright. Okay?"

Ryan nodded, taking a deep breath, and gave Brendon a small smile. "Okay. No problem."

Brendon took Ryan's hand and led him toward the sofa. "I do want you to come sit with me, though. I've got something I need to talk to you about."

  Ryan swallowed hard and sat next to Brendon, turning to face him. "Is everything ok? Are we ok?"

  Brendon smiled gently and patted Ryan's hand. "Yes. Everything is fine, especially us. The time I've been with you is the happiest of my life, Ry."

  Ryan beamed back at Brendon. "Me too, Bren. So...what's up?"

  Brendon looked suddenly serious. "Well, out of nowhere today, I got a call from Spencer."

  Ryan quirked an eyebrow. He knew Brendon and Spencer got along famously, but had never known Spencer to just call Brendon to chat. "Oh really? What was that all about?"

  "Well," Brendon began, "that's what we need to talk about. I've been offered at job as Spencer's assistant at Fueled by LA."

  Ryan's jaw dropped. "Seriously? That's amazing, Bren!"

  Brendon grinned. "I know. I couldn't believe it. Spencer said his work load is just too much for one man to manage. He knows I have tons of experience assisting, and how into music I am. I guess I also fit the right image, or whatever. And the money is so much better."

  "Well," Ryan said, "what do you think?"

  "Well, Ry, that depends in part on you. Because I'm not going to LA without you. We're a package deal, you and me. I care more about you than I ever could about any job. So, are you down with moving?"

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