Chapter 9

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  When Ryan woke up the next morning, he was a bit disoriented. He felt a warm body pressed all along the front of his own, and he blinked his eyes open. He saw the dark hair, askew from lying on the pillow all night. Then he saw the creamy skin and the red, plump lips: Brendon. That's when the previous night came rushing back to him.

  They were finally together - boyfriends now, even. Not only that, but they had made love and it had been everything Ryan had hoped for. Ryan hadn't felt this content or happy since Sam had been alive. Then he checked himself for what would have previously been the ever-present guilt at having moved on with someone else. But it wasn't there anymore. Ryan was in love with Brendon. And Brendon was in love with him! He felt so intensely grateful to have the opportunity to love another wonderful man. He couldn't help wondering how he'd gotten so lucky twice in one lifetime.

  Then, he felt Brendon begin to stir. Brendon rolled to his other side so he was facing toward Ryan and blinked his eyes open. Once his vision cleared and he took Ryan in, he gave Ryan a smile that would put the sun to shame.

  "Good morning, love," Ryan said quietly as he smiled and petted through Brendon's hair. "How did you sleep?"

  Brendon smiled even wider. "Like a log. You're so warm and comfortable. It's like we fit together perfectly."

  Ryan grinned and pecked Brendon's nose. "That's 'cause we do. How do you feel? Are you...sore?" he asked gently.

  Brendon wrinkled his nose. "A little. Nothing I can't handle. I assume that gets better?"

  Ryan nodded. "Definitely. The first time is the worst."

  Brendon grinned his classic mischievous grin. "Oh, so it's only gonna get better huh?"

  Ryan laughed, "Well, that's not what I meant, but that is also true."

  Brendon ran his hand up and down Ryan's exposed arm. "I can't wait," he smiled.

  They lay in bed holding each other, sometimes talking and sometimes quietly, for the next hour. Then they got up and showered together and had a quick bite to eat. Ryan excused himself to go home, since he was going to connect with Spencer and they were going out to dinner for Spencer's last night in town. They spent a good five minutes kissing goodbye at Brendon's door, and Ryan walked home, floating on air.


  Once Ryan made it to his apartment, he called Spencer up.

  "Hey Ry, you just get back?" Spencer answered.

  "Yeah. I was wondering if you'd come over early before dinner? I need to fill you in. The night definitely ended well." Ryan knew Spencer would hear the smile in his voice.

  "Really, now!" Ryan could hear the grin in Spencer's voice too. "I can't wait to hear about it. I'll be over in 30."

  So Ryan changed clothes for dinner and fixed his hair while he waited for Spencer to arrive. True to his word, it was about a half an hour later when Spencer rang the intercom to get buzzed in.

  When Ryan opened the door, Spencer stood and appraised him quietly for a moment, then walked in. Once Ryan got the door closed, he turned and saw Spencer grinning at him. "What?" he asked, bewildered.

  Spencer's smile only widened. "You had sex last night."

  Ryan's jaw dropped. "How the fuck do you know that?"

  Spencer shot him a disbelieving look. "Ryan, please: how long have I known you? You are literally glowing. You didn't get that way just by talking Brendon through his troubles."

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