Chapter 10

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Six months. Today, it had been six months since Brendon and Ryan officially got together. Ryan could hardly believe how quickly the time had passed. Each day, the more he'd come to learn about Brendon, the more he'd fallen in love with him. He was so very glad that he didn't have to live with the regret of letting Brendon go for good.

  Brendon, for his part, felt the exact same way. He had been so happy since he and Ryan actually became a couple. He had never dated anyone so good before. Ryan was a loving and thoughtful boyfriend, but more than that, Ryan was just a good man and faithful partner. He was head and shoulders above anyone who'd ever shown any interest in Brendon before.

  And while Brendon loved his sex life with Ryan, it was clear that wasn't the only reason Ryan was interested in him. They had a loving and caring friendship, and enjoyed spending time together. If one or both didn't feel like sex or were too tired or were sick, that was ok. The sex was an enhancement to their relationship, not the entire point. Both knew there was a depth between them that was not easily found with another person.

  They had discussed recently that their half-year milestone was coming up. Being his first serious long-term relationship, Brendon wanted to celebrate the occasion. He made reservations for them at a Japanese restaurant they had discovered together and both loved. They went for sushi, then took a sunset walk, hand in hand, in a nearby park. It was a lovely, romantic evening.

  As they rounded back near the entrance to the park, Brendon asked, "Ry, do you want to come back to mine tonight?"

  Ryan stopped walking and turned to face Brendon, a soft smile on his face. He stepped closer to him, but still didn't speak. He reached his free hand up to tuck some stray hair behind Brendon's ear.

  "Ry, you ok?" Brendon asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

  Ryan shook his head as if to clear his thoughts and chuckled. "Yes, Bren. Sorry - I spaced out for a minute. Yes - let's go back to your place. I should have some clean clothes there, right?" 

  Brendon nodded. "Mmmhmm. I just did laundry yesterday so whatever you had there got cleaned."

  Ryan nodded, still smiling and kissed Brendon on the cheek as they headed off to catch the bus back to his apartment.


  Ryan and Brendon were lying in bed the next morning, just holding each other and chatting. They loved their lazy weekend mornings when they could lay just wrapped up in each other's arms, and didn't have to worry about rushing home before work if one of them forgot something they needed after staying over at the other's apartment.

  "So, what's going on tonight, babe? Do you have any plans?" Brendon asked Ryan.

  "Only to be with you, baby," Ryan smiled. "Only my favorite thing ever."

  Brendon beamed over at him. "Well, did you want to sleep over again? Or maybe me sleep over there at yours?"

  "Well," Ryan began, "let's go to mine tonight. But I'm getting kinda tired of staying over at each other's place every night."

  Brendon frowned a little and looked seriously at Ryan. "Oh...I'm sorry, Ry. It's rude of me to assume that we spend every night together. Did you want a night to yourself?"

  Ryan's eyebrows raised, and he chuckled a bit. "No, honey, you misunderstood my meaning. I suppose I wasn't very clear, though. What I mean is, I'd like to be spending every night at our place."

  Brendon's eyes widened and he grinned big and bright at Ryan. "You mean you want to move in together?" Brendon looked thrilled.

  Ryan nodded. "Of course I do. I love us going to bed together each night, and waking up to each other every morning. We do it practically every day now already. And, I want for us to take the next step in our life together, and I hope you do too, Bren."

  Brendon nodded quickly. "I do, Ry, I definitely do. want to go pick an entirely new place together?"

  "Yeah," Ryan nodded. "I think us choosing it together will make it extra-special, and then it's ours. I think that'll also really show our new level with each other in our relationship. What do you think?"

  Brendon squeezed the arm he had sling around Ryan's waist, and nuzzled into his chest a bit deeper. "I think that makes me so happy, Ry. I would love it." He turned his face up toward Ryan, and they shared a soft kiss.


  A month later, the boys were carrying the last of their boxes into their new apartment, while Spencer and Jon were setting up their TV and stereo for them. Their best friends had come into town for the happy occasion and to help out the couple however they could.

  "That's the last of it!" Brendon huffed, as he sat his box on the dining room table. "I don't want to even think about those stairs for at least 24 hours!"

  Ryan laughed, and sat his final box down too. "No problem, Bren - we'll just order some pizza."

  Spencer grinned and said, "I have an even better idea. Why don't you two just give us some money, and Jon and I will come back with pizza and beer?" Jon nodded rapidly, indicating his approval.

  Brendon chuckled. "I'm sold. It's the least we can do for you guys in thanks for all your help!"

  Jon grinned at his friends. "Well, we appreciate it, but I know we were both happy to help you. What can I say? We're big saps, and just happy for you both."

  Brendon and Ryan smiled at each other, and embraced for a quick hug before Ryan went off to find some cash for their dinner.


  Later that evening, after Jon and Spencer had headed back to their hotel, the couple had settled into bed - their bed - for the first time in their new home together.

  Ryan was holding Brendon close to his body, loving that they were in their own, shared place. "Bren? I'm so happy. I love you."

  Brendon pressed a kiss to Ryan's chest. "Me too, Ry," he returned softly. "I've always wanted to share a home and a life with someone. I just  never thought it could be this good." He scooted up so their faces were level, and began to kiss Ryan. "You fancy christening our new home?" he asked with a wink.

  Ryan chuckled and ran a hand into Brendon's hair. "Is that even a question?" he asked with a smirk. He pulled Brendon down to him, and started a makeout with him.

  When they broke briefly for air, Brendon grinned and said, "I was pretty sure I already knew the answer." They both laughed and continued kissing.

A Second Chance?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz