since it was cold in utah, i wore a red sweater with a plaid skirt and tights.

i walked downstairs and into the kitchen. devyn, kat, sam, jake and madeline were all sitting around the table as colby was making me coffee.

i walked over to colby and he said "well you look cute." and he kissed my temple.

everyone at the table awed as i flipped them off, grinning.

i jumped up onto the counter as colby handed me an iced coffee. i quietly thanked him while taking a sip, telling him he did a good job at making it.

soon everyone was ready to go to brunch so we all piled into the van and headed out.

we were all sat around the abnormally large table at bunch colby was sat to my left and kat was on my right. colby and i sat hand in hand at the restaurant, sitting much closer to each other than we should be.

colby and i finally told all of our friends we were official even though they basically already knew. we planned on waiting a little while before telling our fans. my mom is coming in from new york this weekend with my stepdad and his abnormally rude kids. so that's when i plan on telling her. john, he has a daughter, josette and a son, jack. or as i like to call him, jack ass. john is fairly nice himself but his kids oh man are they terrible. i haven't liked the since i met them. they're so annoying.

josette and i are only a month apart, me being younger

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josette and i are only a month apart, me being younger. she's 19 too. she has blue hair, pretty similar to kats. she is pretty, i won't lie but she's just super rude.

not going to lie, my stepbrother is also pretty attractive but he's a douche

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not going to lie, my stepbrother is also pretty attractive but he's a douche. we went to the same school for a couple years and i actually had a crush on him until i got to know him. that crush is long gone.

i had already ranted to colby about how annoyed i was with josette and jack. my older brother and younger sister weren't coming in this weekend, sadly. my sister, elena is 17 and my brother, ethan is 21. were all 2 years apart.

my mom and i always got along fine. until johns kids. seeing as she doesn't realize they're evil.

my mom is insisting that i let jack and josette live in my apartment for the long weekend that they're here. while her and john go get a hotel. great.

back home

it's the next night and we're all back home. i'm currently sitting on the couch watching the vampire diaries with alexis and madeline.

"i can't believe that elena would trust him like that. like what was she thinking??" it was madeline's first time watching my favorite show and she was loving it.

i started laughing at her until my ringtone cut me off

incoming call from josette. great .

i answered the phone "hey josette. what's up."

her high pitched voice answered back "adelaide i NEED you to take me to this party when i come out to LA."

i rolled my eyes asking her whose party as madeline paused the tv so they could listen to the conversation.

"it's at colby brock and jake webber's house." oh. my. gosh.

josette was a huge sam and colby stan so i was shocked that i had yet to get a text from her about me knowing them.

"you can't possibly be invited to that party, you don't know anyone out here." i said rolling my eyes again.

"well i've been grounded for the past month off of my phone but i'll be getting it back once we land in LA. i'm only allowed to have it back to call you but my one friend said that andrea russet was invited and i know you're friends with her. so i want you to take me."

"i'm not going to that party. there parties are insane you won't be able to handle it." adelaide how are you supposed to handle that big of a party with your anxiety?

"if you won't take me then i'll figure out a way to go myself." i didn't want to deal with her so i just hung up.

"is she going to the party at the trap house?" alexis asked me as i sat back down on the couch.

"oh i'll make sure she doesn't get in" i said back

"are you guys going?" mads asked us.

"i'm going cause colby wants me to. it's his party so i feel like i have to go." i replied back to her. alexis just nodded back.

my phone started going off again. i'm gonna loose my shit if it's josette again.

incoming call from baby 🥰

"hey angel, what's up?" colby asked as i answered his call.

"hey babe, i'm stressed but other than that i'm fine." i said

"what's wrong ad?" here we go

"my step sister just called me and said she wants to go to your party this weekend but i told her no. i don't want her there."

"hey hey ad, it's okay. i'll make sure she's put on the list of people who can't come. don't worry about it babe. what's her name again?"

"josette jones." i said grinning to myself that i got my way. "anyways what up?"

"well i was gonna ask you if you wanted to go get some food but i think i'll bring the food to you and we can watch whatever show or movie you want."

"you're an angel colby, you know that right?

"i'll see you in a little bit babe"

"okay drive safe" i said, hanging up the phone.

colby came over and he had gotten me my favorite juice from presses juicery along with my favorite sandwich from urth.

"i brought you something else because i knew you were stressed." he said

"you know you didn't have to do that, i'm perfectly okay now." i said grinning at the beautiful, kind hearted boy in front of me.

"it's nothing big." he said handing me the bag. i was vlogging so i set down my camera facing me. (she's not stupid, she's making a vlog of all the clips from the past month that we're too relationshippy for the normal vlog)

i opened the little black bag seeing a new record. it was the new tame impala record that i had yet to purchase for myself. colby and i always had tame impala playing in the background of whatever we were doing. tame impala was our thing.

tears started to form in my eyes from this small but insanely meaningful gesture. he came around the counter, hugging me. i kept thanking him as he kept kissing my face.

colby watched TVD with madeline, lexi and i. i had to explain to him what was going on the whole time as he hadn't seen the first 2 seasons.

eventually we all ended up falling asleep on the couch.

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