87 - syvogfirs

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daniel and corbyn were soon on their way to the nearest place where you could get waffles (A/N I wrote it right thing this time, be proud.) which occured to be really far away. But oh well, Corbyn had to make it up to Daniel somehow, even if it meant driving 1½ hour, just to get some stupid waffles, Corbyn laughed at his thoughts, Daniel would be so mad if he knew that Corbyn had just called waffles stupid.

"What are you laughing at?" asked Daniel in a curious tone.

"Nothing, it's uhm nevermind" Corbyn said while still laughing a bit.

"you meanie! I wanna know" Daniel said growing irritated, why couldn't Corbyn just tell him?

"It's nothing ba- I mean Dani, I just thought of something stupid" Corbyn said, while a small blush coated his cheeks, he had almost called daniel Babe, that would have been an disaster.

"if u say so" Daniel softly mumbled, while leaning further down into the car seat.

"Hey! Don't fall asleep"

"I'm not" daniel said while snuggling into his seat, which corbyn found extremely cute, but then again what wasn't cute about this boy? Corbyn couldn't think of any answer to that quotestion.

"you so are, you know we're almost there dani" corbyn said softly.

"mhmm, I know" Daniel mumbled while having his eyes closed. Corbyn just sighed deciding on letting him sleep, since Corbyn did wake him up earlier.

after driving about 15 minutes more they were there, but daniel was still sleeping, and corbyn didn't want to wake him up, even though he knew that he would have to. But Corbyn couldn't get himself to do it, so therefore he let daniel sleep for about 15 more minutes, while he was just scrolling trough his instagram feed, stalking ariana grande a bit, just the usual stuff you know. But he soon grew bored, and chose to wake up dani.

Corbyn just simply nudged a little to daniels shoulder, which caused Daniel to open his eyes. That was pretty simple thought Corbyn.

"we've been here for about 15 minutes" corbyn said, which caused daniel to open his eyes wide.

"Why haven't you woken me up before now?" Daniel asked, while yawning, and strecthing his body as much as he could considering the fact that they were still in corbyn's car.

"I figured you were tired" corbyn said with a shrug, not wanting to tell the truth. Because the truth is daniel had looked so peaceful, and less stressed, and corbyn didn't want to ruin that for the other boy.

"oh, thank you, anyways LET'S GET WAFFLES" Daniel yelled the last bit very exitedly.

"you and your waffles" corbyn mumbled softly, while climbing out of the car.

"sorry did you say something?" came daniel's voice, from the other side of the car.


and with that said as the last word, both boys walked inside of the small cafe, they were quite lucky, that the cafe wasn't that known, and most of the people there were old people who had never heard of their band.

after ordering their waffles, and a lot of small talking. Corbyn noticed that there was a small stage, so he quickly excused himself, walking over to the staff, so that he could ask them if it was a stage where everyone to who wanted to, could give a little performance, it turned out it was.

with a big smile on his face, corbyn walked back to daniel.

"So daniel.. what would you think about singing a song in the cafe?" Corbyn said slowly.

"what do you mean?" daniel asked.

"there is a stage, and if you want to you can sing, i have an electric guitar in the back of my car if you need it." Corbyn said, while watching the smile that appeared on daniel's face.

"I would love to, I just don't know which song to sing" daniel said with a big smile.

"How about the one you made a cover of, but have never uploaded?" Corbyn suggested, remembering the cover daniel told him about before their argument.

"La Vie En Rose?" daniel asked.

"yes! that one" Corbyn said with a big smile, already looking forward to hearing daniel sing live again, it had been quite a long time since he had last heard him live, and not just one of his covers on instagram, which corbyn had listened a lot to.

"sure, should I just go up there?" Daniel said.

"Yes, just wait two seconds, I'm just gonna go get the guitar" corbyn said, while almost running out of the cafe.

Corbyn was quick to come back, and then he helped daniel set up the guitar, before getting back in his seat. Daniel gave corbyn a nervouse look, but corbyn just smiled at him, and gave him a thumbs up. Corbyn already knew that daniel was gonna kill this.

"Uhm, Hi. My name is Daniel Seavey, and I would like to sing you all a song called La Vie En Rose" daniel said with a goofy smile, looking at all of the people who had focused their attention on the brown haired boy.

daniel began strumming the guitar lightly, before singing softly.

people were standing up, when they gave daniel a light of applause, when he finished his song. Corbyn looked proudly at the brown haired boy, he was finally getting the attention he deserved. Daniel almost ran down from the stage, and into corbyn's arms.

"Thank you Corbyn" Daniel said.

"you're welcome" corbyn said quitely, while enjoying feeling daniel's body against his. Daniel had finally forgived Corbyn fully, and corbyn had never been happy. Know he just wanted Daniel his, one step at a time.

the rest of the day went as amazing as it started, and both Corbyn and Daniel fell asleep with big smiles on their faces that night, looking forward to the next day.


extra long chapter to make up for the no updates yesterday, the ending was a little rushed because once again I don't have that much time. But I very much hope you enjoyed reading this.

also, what is your favourite song at the moment? (or all time favourite song, your choice)

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