7 - syv

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@corbynbesson + @seaveydaniel

hey cutie, I saw the picture u posted, and I just wanted to tell you that you're very beautiful x

oh uhm wow, thank you.

too straight-forward? :/

no uh, it's just no one besides my supporters has ever told me that I'm beautiful, and besides like you're THE Corbyn Besson. I'm just very shocked I guess.

don't be, how come no one has ever told you that you're beautiful I mean look at you.

idk, I don't really have any friends, and I've never been in a relationship, I guess that's why.

oh wow, I thought that u were the rich popular jock stereotype at school, sorry.

it's okay lol, but no I'm not xD I don't even play any sports, I'm way too clumsy. And I'm way too awkward to communicate with people, and for some reason either people seem to hate me or try to use me for their advantage. It get's tiring. But you must know how it feels?

oh well, that's their loss, but yeah I've definitely experienced that. But I have to go okay, bye beautiful.

bye Corbyn (:


Little chapter to celebrate that we hit 1k reads. And that I have successfully survived my german midterm test, and that I actually think that I did okay on it xD.

(edit: I actually got an A^ )

(tbh right now, I'm just waiting for the others to finish their test oof.)

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