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Welcome everyone to my little... Introductory chapter. I'm so honoured to be a part of this account and to help Joe and many other people stop bullying!

Name: Jade Jackson (but please do feel free to call me Jadey, or whatever you wish :D)

Birthday: 3rd November

About Me: There are many things to know about me. I'm on Wattpad 24/7 LITERALLY. I became addicted since the day I started WP, which was the 27th November, 2013.

I hate seeing people upset who don't deserve it. I like seeing people get what they deserve. I'm an introvert (which means I'm shy, quiet etc) and though I may seem like I'm super loud and bubbly on Wattpad! I'm not in real life.

Hmm... I get worried over the tiniest things, I think too much and give myself headaches. I'm in LOVE with gum, but it runs out of taste too quickly :(

I always tell myself I would punch someone in the face if they ever annoyed me too much, but that hasn't happened once in my life. (I mean I haven't punched anyone, not that no one has annoyed me. Being an introvert has its disadvantages, including being too afraid to do anything hurtful to anyone. I mean, in my head I swear at them as much as I want and picture myself beating their ass, but I'd never do that in real life.)

Around really close friends and family I'm SUPER crazy. No joke.

Social Media: Obviously you can PM (private message) me on WP, @jadey800, but I also have Twitter! My username on that is also jadey800. If you guys out there are being bullied, feel upset, bored, worried, absolutely anything at all! You can message me on that and I promise that your information won't be shared with anyone. I'll talk to you, and hopefully give good advice and peace at mind. :)

I'd like to thank all my followers, friends etc on WP. Thank You all so much, and I hope to see you around!

That's all from me, remember to hit that follow button and help us all stop bullying. Thank You for reading!


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