Chapter 40

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When the sun rose higher into the sky, I decided to return home.
It was around 12 pm and the heat of the sudden warm weather hit me unprepared. My hair got blown back by the wind breeze which had passed the inner garden.
The grass smelled intense and some shiny and small flowers seemed to smile at me with their bright colors. I felt like life would go amazingly the right way. It shall take its turn at the right and exact perfect moment. I enjoyed this beautiful atmosphere for a moment before I turned my face to the old woman. She handed me the script scroll and told me where to get out of the mansion unnoticed.
As I understood fast, I bid farewell to her and took the route she had me advised to use.

I passed through a small space in the outer wall and left just in time. The father of the maiden went into a rage and threw wine bottles around. I could hear the bottle after bottle shattering.
The smell of wine I sensed made me realize that there were many bottles in total in this mansion.
How it looked inside, I better not imagine.

A fear spread inside of me and I hurried towards my new home, the mansion of my teacher.
I felt sorry for the servants, the sick wife with this intense sickness. They got stressed out about the rages and the bad manners of the man owning all. Sadly, this man who raged from time to time was broken. The sickness and loss of children caused negativity and aggression.
The wife had only a few possibilities with her illness. Not being able to take long walks, stay outside, have fun. Only suffering from Pain and not being able to move around much.

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