Chapter 29

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In the evening after my teacher and I had finished eating dinner, I stretched, acting like I was super tired.

"Sorry teacher, but can I excuse myself? The studying tired me out so much. I hope you don't mind. I will go wash up and directly sleep."-"Sure, do as you wish dear. I don't want to stop you from your beauty sleep. A pretty girl like you should stay pretty by paying attention to sleeping enough. Me, on the other hand, I am already old and passed my spring of youth by far for years already. Well, I also planned to sleep early too honestly. Do you want me to walk you back to your room and warm the water for a bath for you? As you help me out here so much I feel guilty about all the errands you run to keep everything here organized."-"Oh my, teacher please don't feel guilty. I do run these errands willingly, really. How often do I even need to say that? There is nothing to feel guilty for. You helped me and accepted a child running away from home and without a family to identify. No one would have helped me out else than you."

Both of us stood up. While chatting busily about the past and how we met for the first time from face to face, without noticing, we arrived in front of my room. Feeling cheerful, I hugged my teacher tightly. He hugged me the same way and it felt like we two were clinging to each other to not feel alone and melancholic.

My heart was overflowing with a warm and friendly feeling, I guess it was joy and trust. He and I stepped back and he went over to the water pot to get me some hot water. I undressed meanwhile and combed my hair. Needless to say, my hair looked more like a birds nest than tidy hair. Bangs were hanging down into my face like grass from dirt if you pick it up. Horrible sight to see. My tidily curled up hair stood up into every possible direction from the hair knot.

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