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In the morning, the group sitting in front of the Southside high school slowly wake up from their from the night before. Addison wakes up too, groaning in discomfort from sleeping against the metal fence. She tried her best to not wake up Toni, whose head was on her shoulder. Sweet Pea was not in his spot, but he was talking to FP and Aaron, the eldest of the protestors, in the middle of their group. They seem to be in a deep conversation because they didn't notice Addison making their way to them. Behind them was a small group across the street. She turns away from their blue and gold appearance and to the men in front of her.

"How long have they been here?"Addison asked, stopping to clear her throat from being dry. They all look to her, but she kept her eyes mostly on Sweet Pea. "Since an hour or two ago. It's only ten and there's people forming," FP says to her. She crosses her arms and looks over to the opposing crowd again and sighs. Sweet Pea walks over to her as the crowd became larger and the two men went back to their conversation.

"Hey." "Hey," Addison says back. They walked back to where they slept, holding their chains on the way. "How long do we have left?" Addison asked, looking at the crowd. She seemed a little nervous at how angry some of them looked at their group until Sweet Pea softly turned her gaze back to him. "I'm not sure, but it'll be okay. We're being peaceful, there isn't a reason to hurt us." She looked into his dark brown eyes as he gently spoke to her. It made her feel less nervous.

"Hey Addy," Toni greets her as she and Sweet Pea slide down to the concrete. She greets her friend back and sees a message from her phone. "Cheryl sent me the flyer for the play that's coming up," Toni says and shows her phone to Addison. "Carrie the musical. Sounds cool. I didn't know you like theatre." Toni looks down and scratches her neck. "I don't, but I think I'll help out." She sounded a little funny to Addison but she didn't know that Toni was going to be there for Cheryl. The redhead would not stop talking about how she wanted to be the lead as Carrie.

Addison turned her head around when she felt someone else's hand attached to her own and saw Sweet Pea giving her a small smile. After giving him a smile back, she tried her best to hide her blush with her hands. Toni, who couldn't see them holding hands, talked to Addison about their next sleepover and other school and work related things.

It turned to noon and the crowd across from the protesters gee drastically from earlier. Addison could spot Archie Andrews and a few more bulldogs coming over to them. They stood up together, all seeming to cross their arms. Aaron took a breath by FP as he watched him and Jughead talk to the red-headed boy. He saw him bring a wire cutter from behind him and his hands tightened around his guitar. One by one, the protesters' chains were broken and they were pushed off of the curb by the others.

Addison saw the looks the bulldogs gave her as Archie broke her chain, but kept walking with her serpent friends. Toni slung am arm over her and huffed. "We tried what we could." She turns to Fangs striding beside her and they talked about going to Pops after not eating in a few days. Toni asked if Addison would come and she said she would but didn't have her motorcycle. "Ride with me," Sweet Pea says, and she thinks it over. She sees her dad a little away from them and hogs over to get his permission. He behind her to Sweet Pea, who was holding a spare helmet, and gave her a look. She rolled her eyes at what she knew he was thinking which made him laugh and allowed her to go. "Thanks dad. I'll see you at home." She jogs back over to Sweet Pea and happily takes his helmet. "You ready?"

She brings her arms around his waist and leans her head against his back. "Ready." He turns on the engine and follow their two friends to the diner.

[A/N: sorry it's a little shorter than the other chapters. I hope everyone has a good weekend! Make sure to vote, comment, and share! Thanks y'all!]

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