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"Did he say when he was getting back?" Addison asks Sweet Pea as he sits in Jughead's house. Addison walks around to put her things away. "He didn't say. He's making me stay here." Sweet Pea grumbles from the couch. Addison laughs as she opens her leftover bag from Pop's. Surprisingly, the food was okay after dropping it from her unexpected visitor. "You're that diner girl right?" She nods. "You're not a stalker are you?" She says sarcastically. He shakes his head no.

"Why are you here, anyway?" Sweet Pea asks as he switches through the TV channels. Addison was still in the kitchen, preparing her meal. Should she tell him? They're only aquatinted. "Um, I had a break in so..." She realizes that the Black Hood didn't even take anything. Why wouldn't a robber take anything?

"Did they take your Northside riches?" All she did was roll her eyes. "Nope," She brings her food into the living room. "My motorcycle is still there." He looks up at her as she motions to the fries in front of them. She grabs the remote and looks through, trying to clear her head. He looks at the girl strangely, wondering why she didn't fit the northside mold he was used to. "So you're friends with Jughead?" She leans back in her chair. "You ask a lot of questions, Sweet Pea." She takes a fry from the table in between them. "Yes, he's my best friend. It sucks how we don't go to school together." He was about to ask another question but Addison got a call before he could say anymore.

She gets up to the kitchen to answer. Soon the fall ends and she looks at Sweet Pea. "He'll be here in a few. You can interrogate someone else after that." He puts a hand on his heart dramatically. "It won't be the same, Diner Girl." She scoffs. They both turn to hear a motorcycle come up the street and soon after the door opens. Jughead shrugs off his jacket and greets the two. Sweet Pea gets up off the couch and leaves, Addison's eyes watching him from the kitchen.

"You guys didn't try to kill each other did you?" Addison goes to the couch where she'll be sleeping and starts to put blankets on it. "Why do you ask?" "He isn't the friendly type, especially to Northsiders." She hums, figuring he would be like that. A lot of serpents were, she can't blame them.

She brushes her teeth after showering and gets comfortable in the PJs she brought from home. She says goodnight to Jughead and gets comfy on the couch. Closing her eyes, she thinks of what tomorrow will bring.


She woke up earlier than usual but gets ready anyways

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She woke up earlier than usual but gets ready anyways. She tries not to wake up Jughead while she shuts the door and gets ready to walk to pops for an early breakfast. When she turns though, she hears someone calling her name.

"Addison!" Toni waves her over to her and another boy that looked familiar to the brunette. She goes to them, her shoes somewhat dragging in the gravel. She smiles at the girl in front of her and turns her attention to the boy next to Toni. "You want to come with us to Pop's for breakfast?" She asks. She hesitates because she doesn't have her motorcycle with her. "I don't have my motorcycle. It's still at home." Toni dismisses it with a wave of her hand. "Don't worry about it. You can ride with Fangs." She smiles at the girl who she now sees as a possible new friend and she returns it. Addison turns to the boy, Fangs. "Is that okay?" He nods and the three ride to the diner together.

"So Toni And Fangs, how's your school? I heard Jughead is helping the Red and Black" Addison says as their food was put in front of them. Toni is sitting across her and Fangs is sharing the other side with her. They both reach for the toast in the middle of the table.

"Ah yes, the Red And Black. He helped revive it thankfully. He said you used to be on the Blue and Gold with him and his girlfriend?" Addison nods and drinks some orange juice. "I took a few pictures every now and then." "That's what I do for the Red and Black!" The two girls smile and Toni quickly rummages in her bag. She pulls out her camera and Addison goes to her side of the booth so Toni could show her pictures.

Time passes by and soon it was almost time for school to start. They pay the bill and depart to their separate schools. Addison had a smile on her face the whole walk there.

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