CM Love: Chapter Two

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Chapter 2:

                “Phillip, you have to come meet Carson!” Selene whines into the phone walking down the sidewalk to the store she told Carson to be at, he throws his head back waiting at the airport to come back to Chicago.

                “No, I don’t want to meet your new little boyfriend. And stop calling me Phillip!” He groans back rolling his eyes, Selene always rushing relationships which in the end is the reason they never last.

                “Carson is not my boyfriend…” Selene smiles wondering just how long she could keep this going, her mischievous brain thinking of a fun game that would shock Phil the day he met Carson.

                “Well your future boyfriend whatever, we both know the same thing that always happens will happen again, one I meet him, two I like him and get close, three he breaks up with you, four I have to choose your side and kick my ex best friends ass. Let the cycle end!” He says in a quick voice recalling Selene’s more recent boyfriends that ended very badly, he picks up his bag seeing the plane was starting to board.

                “Trust me, Carson and I will never ever date.” She says stern emphasizing the word ever, he rolls his eyes hearing that every time she meets a guy. It’s the main reason he never introduces her to his wrestling friends.

                “He must be gay than, I gotta go, Sel. Wish me a safe flight.” He says no enthusiasm in his words whatsoever, handing the flight attendant his ticket he gives her a slight wink liking the way her cheeks flush just slightly.

                “I hope you die,” she pouts into the phone at the entrance of the store she peaks in seeing Carson wander around looking at the clothes that were nowhere near her style, with a face of disgust Selene couldn’t help but smile.

                “America’s sweetheart right there,” Punk says bitterly smiling inside loving how his sister was one of the few that got his dark dry humor, “Love ya, gotta go bye.” He says quickly seeing the flight attendant walk down the aisle fast waving her finger at him like he was a child breaking the rules.

                “Love you too, bye.” Selene says before hanging up sticking the phone back in her purse, “What are you doing?” Selene says loudly grabbing Carson by the shoulders making her jump.

                “You scared me, Silly.” Carson says politely using one finger to lightly push the edgy girls shoulder, she sighs in disappointment.

                “That was the perfect moment…” She groans wondering how on earth she would turn this country girl into a city girl, she furrows her brows in confusion. “To cuss, you should have said ‘You bitch, you scared me!’ but no you went with sweet southern belle.”

                “Well that’s because I am a southern belle…” Carson says in a low voice wondering why Selene wouldn’t just accept her as she was instead of trying to change her, Selene rolls her eyes feeling like this was a hopeless cause but she wasn’t one for giving up. “So, why am I here anyways?” she changes the subject hoping it doesn’t have anything to do with changing who she was again.

                “To buy you new clothes, Silly, all you own are dresses and cowboy boots.” She points to Carson’s outfit another flower printed dress with her light brown cowboy boots, of course this time she did have a matching half leather jacket that Selene had given her. Carson opens her mouth to abject but Selene quickly cuts in, “Your nurse outfits don’t count.”

                “What is wrong with dresses?” Carson protests folding her arms across her chest defensively, she saw nothing wrong with her wardrobe in fact everyone in Arlington used to envy the clothes she owned.

                “Nothing, in the south. This is Chicago, girl, The Windy City, it gets cold here you need skinny jeans and lots of layers.” She says dramatically starting to pull clothes off the racks, “Just trust me…please?” Selene gives Carson her best puppy dog eyes and she nods reluctantly, she would buy the clothes but she had no plans on wearing them…ever.

                Walking down the busy street people snicker as they pass the Southern Belle, Carson wipes her mouth with her hand hoping something wasn’t on her face. Nerves starting to kick in at everyone’s reaction to her especially the other girls, “Who does she think she is, Taylor Swift?” mumbles one girl to her friend both of them snickering as they keep on going.

                Maybe Selene was right, maybe I should start dressing like I actually belong… She thinks looking back down at her outfit then back up at everyone else, she looks completely overdressed compared to them.  I look like an idiot… she mentally kicks herself as heat and tears rush to her face she stares at the ground pushing past the people not even bothering to apologize rushing to her apartment to try on some of the clothes Selene picked out a few days ago.

                “These are so uncomfortable…” Groans Carson running in place trying to get the leather skinny jeans to loosen up a bit, “I haven’t worn pants in like…ever.” The buzzer in her apartment rang letting her know someone was at the door downstairs, here to see her. Throwing on one of the tops that showed way too much of her puppies for her liking she rushes to the door.

                Hitting the button to ask who it was a familiar voice rings in, “Carson if you ask who it is again, I’m going to scream like a mad woman. You know it is always me.” Selene sighs, really just not wanting Punk to hear her voice spoiling the surprise that Carson was a girl. The door buzzes letting them know the door was unlocked she comes in quickly going to Carson’s door, “Do me a solid and don’t flirt with Carson please.” Selene winks playfully at him.

                “Hardy har har, great gay joke sis.” Punk gives a fake laugh rolling his eyes, not even wanting to be here right now meeting some dude he probably won’t have anything in common with. Selene laughs knocking on the door quickly excited to see Phil’s reaction to how pretty Carson is.

                The door swings open and even Selene was surprised at the bombshell before her, Carson’s brown hair was in her normal thick long wavy curls but it looks so much sexier matched up with the smokey eye makeup and red lipstick. Her blue eyes even brighter than normal, she wore a red shirt with the word ‘Awesome’ across it that had a neck that swoop down showing her cleavage perfectly, with Selene’s favorite black leather skinny jeans and she completed the look with black heels. Wow, maybe my city girl lessons are finally starting to kick in. Selene thinks turning to see Phil’s face, his mouth was open just slightly but his eyes were full of lust.

                “Phil this is my new best friend Carson,” Who suddenly looks like a fucking Rockstar!  Selene adds in her head proud of her work before her.

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