Welcome To StoryBrooke

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Regina rested her head against the pane and stared at the dashing lights as they left the airport. She clutched her bag tighter when they made usual turn for the woods towards the hidden town of StoryBrooke. She hated it there, she wanted to go back to Boston, back to her loving father. Back to her safe haven. But she couldn't, not ever. Her mother had won against her father yet again and she held all of Regina's custody. She couldn't understand why people didn't believe her nor her sister. Her mother was an abusive, manipulating bitch. She destroyed and molded towards her expectations. Everything must be done perfectly, unless you wanted a beating. Regina could feel her old scars and bruises burn against her shirt and skirt as they got closer to the town. A warm hand landed on her thigh and she turned to look at her sister. Zelena, serene as always kept her ocean eyes on the road but the brunette could see the warm smile of her sister as the passing lights danced briefly on her face before disappearing.

"Don't worry Regina one more year, and you are leaving the bitch. Moving with me and Walsh" the redhead spared her a glance before staring at the road ahead. Regina smiled at the idea, she liked Walsh and the idea seemed more appetizing by the second. They might not live with the riches her mother provided after she whored her way up the social ladder. Regina didn't care about wealth, she cared about happiness. Her and her sister's happiness and that sadly wasn't with their mother. Cora was a respected citizen, everyone feared the HighSchool headmaster. It made sense that everyone sided with her, for her power and authority. She even had the StoryBrooke Mayor eating from the palm of her hand.

Slowly they pulled into the sleeping town of StoryBrooke. Being the end of Summer vacation the town was usually quiet as every citizen started to organize their stuff for the start of the year. Most of Regina's class was already at the town or at least she thought that, she didn't really know. She would ask Sydney later. Turning around 'Granny's' she smiled as she saw the old woman waiting tables and serving coffee to usual Leroy. It seemed that after 3 the town hadn't changed. Like time stood still.

"It seems like nothing's changed"

"It's a small town Regina, the only thing new is the library and the town clock"

"The town clock? Isn't it broken since... Forever?"

"Nope now it's working"

Regina replied with a small 'huh'. They passed a great building, StoryBrooke High:Building the future. It send a shiver down her spine as the memories flooded her brain. All the suffering she lived and all the suffering she caused. After all she was known as a bully before but she changed. For the better. She wasn't afraid anymore.

They turned into the dark Mifflin St heading towards the white mansion, Regina's heart beating a hundred miles an hour. Zelena parked the Mercedes in front of 108, she looked at her little sister who was fiddling with the chain of her bag, she silently hoped her mother was asleep. She had told Regina to take the night plane to avoid a 'warm' homecoming from her mother. Her sister chocolate gaze full of fear as she stared at the oak doors.

"come on"

Zelena said getting out of the car, but Regina didn't follow. Sighing the red head opened the passenger door and waited for the brunette to get out.

"Do you, do you think she is asleep?" Said Regina afraid that if she said her mother's name, it would attract the woman from the depths of her house.

"We can only hope, come on just in case"

Zelena answered taking her sister's bags and heading to the porch. They stopped at the door, Regina's labored breath coming as quick puffs if smoke against the cool night. She stared at Zelena with silent plead.

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