Jack and Katherine's wedding HC (pt1)

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-Everyone was so happy when they found it they were going to get married

-Jojo even burst into tears!

- And everyone made sure everyone in New York knew the news

- Jack told them to quiet down (as he was embarrassed that everyone knew he had less money than Katherine) but later got use to it

-Oh the day he asked Pulitzer for Katherine's hand in marriage was a veryyyyy scary one


-When wedding dress shopping Katherine invited Scarlet and Medda

-Medda cried at least 5 times when Katherine put a dress on

-Scarlet just looked in awe at all the fancy dresses. She would need to pay 4 years of wages for that kinda dress

-Also Jack asked his newsies to help him choose a suit (which Pulitzer kindly said he would pay even when Jack refused) when going to the shops

-"sir there are too many people-"

"Miss, Jack needs all the support he can get. He wears the same blue shirt everyday-"

"Shut it!"

- They all go in a big semi circle and judge each suit he puts on

-There are cheers and boos but overall they agree on this blue suit

- ........or maybe they were so use to him in blue they didn't know any other colour that suited

-Anyways Jack was a little stressed when choosing a best man.

-He loved all his boys and were close to all of them in some way. But the real deal was between Cruchie and Davey

-Some newsies thought Crutchie was the obvious choice but Jack and Davey had grown closer too that it felt they known each other for years.

-So the day came when he had to decide and he asked both boys to meet him

-"Jack, I know what you're gonna say and I think Crutchie should be your best man" Davey spoke "You guys are much closer and-"

"No Jack, Davey should. I've been your "best man" for everything. He needs to be for your wedding" Crutiche butted in.

Jack scratched his neck and chuckled "Thanks guys but...I was gonna ask both of you. Is that alright? I couldn't pick just one"

"Of course Jack!" Crutchie smiled and so did Davey

-Now for head bridesmaid

- Katherine invited Scarlet over for tea in her home. Scarlet had visited before but each time she's always amzed. Anyways they're drinking away and Katherine announces to her the good news

- "Scarlet for the wedding I need to ask you something" Katherine said and was given a nod by Scarlet who was eating cake "Would you like to be my head bridesmaid"

-Scarlet's jaw dropped a little and pointed to herself "M-me?" She began saying how she wasn't sure she would be capable for the role. However, Katherine persuaded her she would do amazingily and agreed to it.

-Jack invited all his newsies for the ceremony and the leaders from the boroughs too. For the party more would come along

-Spot actually congratulated Jack and sent him flowers for Katherine.

-Oh! Les was asked to be a ring boy!

-Romeo brought up that he didn't have an outfit for the day. Some newsies felt the same and everyone began to mix and match stuff

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