Chapter 10

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*The Hogsmeade Trip*

Harry had noticed several things that caught Hermione's eye in the shops. Books, parchment, books, quills, books, more books, and some books. But Hermione saw one thing that she particularly wanted more than anything else. There was a golden necklace that you could turn into a bracelet, it had a charm on it that was shaped like a book but when the necklace was enchanted, the charm changed into one of the four house crests, depending on the traits the wearer is showing. She couldn't tear her eyes off of it for a full ten minutes, while Ron was reminiscing on the newest brooms.

Ron on the other hand was a little more difficult. He wanted EVERYTHING. From brooms to enchanted watches, Ron never showed interest in one thing more than another, so Harry had to come to a difficult conclusion. Harry had settled on a custom made Chuddley Cannon's jumper with 'Weasley 80' on the back of it. It was common knowledge that Chuddley Cannon was his favorite Quidditch Team.

Harry was about to leave when he saw Draco laughing with his friends. Draco! Harry had completely forgotten to get Draco something. He rushed around from shop to shop trying to quickly find the perfect gift for his boyfriend.

Finally, he walked down one secluded street with an interesting looking shop at the end of the lane. He walked inside and there was a small witch at a desk. "Hello, welcome to Missy's Shop of Hidden Thoughts. What do you need today?"

"Umm..." Harry rubbed the back of his neck, "What exactly do you sell here?" He asked awkwardly.

"Foolish boy. We sell what it says on the sign 'Hidden Thoughts' isn't it obvious?" Harry was still puzzled. She scoffed "Wizards these days. You give me the name of a person you or someone you love holds dear, and I hand craft a life-like model of that person. I enchant it so that the person who the gift is for can hear what that person is thinking about them at the listening time. That time is chosen by the buyer. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am!" Harry jumped at her sudden sternness. "I would like to place an order."

"Whom is the gift for?" The woman, presumably Missy, questioned.

"Draco Malfoy." The woman scribbled something down in a large book.

"The sculpture is of?"

Harry had to think for a while. He thought so pong, that at one point, he had thought Missy fell asleep. Then it came to him. "Narcissa Malfoy!" He started the older woman and she wrote down something else. Harry gave her the address he wanted it to be sent to, and then he left the store.

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