Chapter 18

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Weeks had gone by and Harry was only getting worse.

Draco was always by his side, Ditty would bring his meals, and they would talk by Harry's bedside. It was the only times that Draco felt as if everything was okay. Ditty was his daily dose of reminiscing and happiness in this time of desperation.

"Remember when Ditty accidentally locked herself in the bathroom while cleaning, and Draco had to save Ditty, before Ditty was punished?"

Draco chuckled lightly "Yes! I was so scared that father would take you away from me." He smiled at the thought.

"Oh! Ditty has been meaning to ask Draco, why did Draco need a personal house elf if the family has so many?"

"Well Ditty, a had another house elf, but at the end of second year, this fellow," he stuck a thumb towards Harry, "tricked my dad into freeing him." Haha. I remember that. Lucious was sooooo mad.

"Really! So cool, Harry must be so generous and kind." Why, thank you Ditty.

"He is." Draco said sadly.

"Ditty is sorry, Ditty didn't mean to upset Draco."

"It's okay Ditty. It's just- Madame Pomfrey said he could heal if he wanted to. I can't help but feel that he isn't getting better, because he doesn't want to."  I'm trying Draco, I really am!

"Ditty thinks Harry wants to heal, but he can't. It might be tiring to try. Maybe Harry can hear Draco, and wants to heal for you?" Exactly. She's smarter than most house elves.

Draco took Harry's hand. "But he hasn't shown any signs that he's responsive, or healing. I feel so- helpless." No, baby, I'm trying, and I'm trying for you. Please believe me! Just then, Harry's hand twitched and slightly squeezed Draco's.

"Did you see that?! Ditty he squeezed my hand! Madame Pomfrey!" Draco jumped up releasing Harry's hand.

"What? What Mister Malfoy? Is there something wrong with Harry?" She questioned, worried.

"No! He squeezed my hand. Check his vitals please. He must be getting better if he can do that." He shouted excitited.

She waved her wand over Harry a few times. "If Mister Potter really did squeeze your hand, then it took a lot of energy out of him, I don't think he's going to make it to the end of the week. I'm sorry, you should go inform his other friends."

Face fallen, and spirits through the floor, Draco walked away briskly. He couldn't stand being told the love of his life is dying. He'd heard it enough this week.


"Draco hasn't visited Harry since the incident on Tuesday." Blaise announced as he cuddled with Neville in the Gryffindor common room.

"We know, we visited his house elf friend, I think her name was Dimmy?" Ron said.

"Ditty." Hermione corrected.

"Yah, she said that Draco isn't looking the greatest. And that he won't eat his meals no matter how much she bugs him about it."

"He won't let anyone into his room, not even Pansy." Blaise stated sadly. "He came out earlier to ask me for soap, and he looked so thin. His clothes that are normally form-fitting looked two sizes too big."

"Hey guys."

"Draco!" They all shouted in unison and ran to hug him.

"I heard your whole conversation. I'm fine guys, really. And I am eating, I just don't like eating when Ditty is right there." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm going for a walk, I might see Harry soon."

"Good for you Draco. Fresh air will do you nicely."

"Thanks, see you." He walked out the portrait hole and into the hall, and whispered to himself, "I'll be with you soon Harry."


"8th years!" Headmistriss McGonagall announced. "I need to know the last time anyone has seen Draco Malfoy."

"He left about two hours ago saying he was going for a walk and said that  he'd see Harry soon. We assume he's in the infirmary." Hermione said simply.

"I'm sorry to say this, but Mister Malfoy is in the infirmary, but for another reason."

"What do you mean Headmistriss, what other reason could there be?" Pansy questioned.

"Mister Malfoy tried to take his life, we assume it was about an hour ago." There were many gasps around the 8th year common room. "He jumped off of the Astronomy Tower and left a note saying that he needed to be with Harry. He is in critical condition, and has broken quite a few bones. Madame Pomfrey is letting people see him now." She then handed the note to Hermione to allow everyone to read it. Then she led Draco's friends to the infirmary.

I'd like to shout out two more people that have supported me just by commenting on Only Us, and adding Only Us to their library. Huge thanks to idontpoststories101 and Spicy_Tiny_Chilli . Your support  for this sh*t hole of a story is much appreciated.

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