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The Johnson family were Daniel's childhood neighbors who raised him after his parents abandoned him, becoming like his surrogate family almost. the family consists of James Johnson, his wife Sharon Johnson, and their young daughter Cindy Johnson whom looks up to Daniel as a big brother figure, calling him "uncle Daniel". however unlike Daniel whom is a true blue skeptic that refuses to believe in the supernatural and stuff like that, the Johnson Family are firm believers and tourists always traveling to popular tourist traps from supposed haunted locations to bigfoot sighting hot spots which makes Daniel roll his eyes, being annoyed by their supposed delusions (tho he still deeply cares about them). however upon joining Animal X Daniel is forced to abandon the Johnsons (AKA the closest thing to a loving family he's ever had), since once you become an agent of Animal X you are forced to leave your loved ones behind in order to ensure the secrecy of their organization. however Daniel still visits the Johnsons in spite of Bill and Natalie's warnings not to, attempting to lead a double-life since he doesn't want to let his surrogate family go since they represent the life he left behind, a normal life and wants to hold onto what little he has left.

 however Daniel still visits the Johnsons in spite of Bill and Natalie's warnings not to, attempting to lead a double-life since he doesn't want to let his surrogate family go since they represent the life he left behind, a normal life and wants t...

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Animal X's chief scientist and head of tech support, Helena is a supergenius who is responsible for building all of Animal X's high-tech gadgets including Daniel and Natalie's main mode of transportation the X-jeep, an advanced all-terrain vehicle that can also fly and dive underwater as well as a slew of other gizmos that aid our heroes in their cryptid-hunting adventures. she also has a close relationship with Bill, helping him raise young Natalie acting as a surrogate mother to her when she was a child. her origins are rather mysterious, however her knowledge of advanced tech, violet eyes and silver hair may hint towards her not being of this world. she is also a single mother with a teenage son named Tony, whom she is very overprotective of hence why she won't let Bill make him a full-on Animal X agent not wanting to put her only child in harms way. she also has a history with Bill's Half-brother Blake, who was the one who taught her everything she knew and once had a close relationship with.

 she also has a history with Bill's Half-brother Blake, who was the one who taught her everything she knew and once had a close relationship with

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Animal X: Natural Mystery UnitWhere stories live. Discover now