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Back in the day, Don Amino was Bill's most trusted colleague and fellow Cryptozoologist who has accompanied him on his expeditions around the world to discover unknown animals and even helped found the Animal X Natural Mystery Unit out of their friendship. however that all changed when Bill had his change of heart and decided to keep all of the discoveries they made a secret. this caused a rift between the two, as Bill believed that Cryptids deserve their protection and should stay a secret while Don saw potential moneymaking in their discoveries that were written in the Cryptozoologicon and wanted to exploit Cryptids for profit showing his true colors of having no regard for the lives of Cryptids or any animal in general thus destroying their friendship forever. Domino then went on to found his own organization known as the Black Dot dedicated to hunting cryptids and profiting off of whatever part of their carcasses would sell the most money on the black market. the Black Dot are a cruel, merciless, and downright evil group much like their leader Don Amino who now goes under alias of Domino desiring to rid himself of whatever was left of his former self in order to disassociate himself from Bill who is now his enemy. Domino also fancies himself as a trophy hunter, his airship containing an entire museum full of taxidermied cryptids that Domino has killed over the years as trophies.

 Domino also fancies himself as a trophy hunter, his airship containing an entire museum full of taxidermied cryptids that Domino has killed over the years as trophies

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The adopted son of Domino, Marcus doesn't remember who his birth parents were due to Domino keeping that a secret from him, the only thing Marcus has to remember from his birth parents is a key that he carries around his neck that belonged to them. Marcus was indoctrinated from birth by his adoptive father to be a merciless cryptid-killing machine, blindly serving Domino and the black dot's cause going under the alias of "Agent M" while wearing his ninja suit to hides his identity while fighting Daniel and Natalie all the while he befriends our heroes in order to gain their trust. however over time he starts to warm up to Daniel and Especially Natalie and begins to question his allegiance to the Black Dot and his "father".

 however over time he starts to warm up to Daniel and Especially Natalie and begins to question his allegiance to the Black Dot and his "father"

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The black dot's resident mad scientist who loves tampering with genetics and creating abominations in his laboratory, Dr. Uno is a psychopath with no regard for the suffering of others including those unfortunate enough to become his test subjects. he is extremely loyal to Domino, being too afraid not to get on his bad side. he is also responsible for developing the Black Dot's advanced technology and weaponry they use to hunt and kill innocent cryptids.

 he is also responsible for developing the Black Dot's advanced technology and weaponry they use to hunt and kill innocent cryptids

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The clone daughters of Domino created by Dr. Uno from Domino's DNA (except with the Y chromosomes replaced with X chromosomes) who are introduced in the second season as replacements for Marcus. their Names are Cloak and Dagger, Cloak the brooding calm one with telekinesis in black and Dagger the psychopath who loves stabbing things and specializes in knife-throwing in white. the two are telepathically linked being able to reach each other's minds often finishing each other's sentences as well as having shared pain, if one is hurt the other will feel the same pain. they are ruthless cryptid killers, acting in sync to take down even the mightiest of beasts. during the episode "Rodney's Goodbye" dagger ends up losing an arm leading to her getting a cybernetic arm in the following episode.

 during the episode "Rodney's Goodbye" dagger ends up losing an arm leading to her getting a cybernetic arm in the following episode

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Four leaders of the International branches of the black dot who first appear as cameos in the season 1 finale arc "the lost world" before getting expanded roles in season 2 as villainous counterparts to the Animal X international members. they include Ivan from Russia, El Toro from Mexico, Adewale from Africa, and Mayu from Japan.

 they include Ivan from Russia, El Toro from Mexico, Adewale from Africa, and Mayu from Japan

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Black Dot Grunts and Silencers

The Black Dot grunts are the mooks of the Black Dot organization, often showing up in large numbers and getting their butts kicked by Daniel and Natalie. At the end of season 2 we are introduced to the silencers, dangerous cryptid-killing robots built by Doctor Uno.

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