Start from the beginning

"Can't I be concerned about your well-being?" He whined.

"Yes, you can, Ethan Woods! But not out of the blue!" I said, giving him a knowing look.

"It's not 'out of the blue'!" He scoffed. Then he sighed. "But seriously though, are you okay?" I decided to answer him.

"I guess." I muttered, biting my lower lip. Ethan nodded as if he understood.

"I assume your meeting with Drew didn't go as planned." He stated more than asked.

"You can tell." I chuckled, humorlessly. Ethan straightened himself then nudged me.

"Drew came to the Count yesterday, extremely upset." I stared at him with wide eyes. "He wouldn't tell us anything though but I figured it probably had something to do with your meeting." I visibly relaxed.

"It was that bad, Ethan." I said, slouching against my locker.

"Wow." He paused, then continued, "What exactly did you say?" There was worry evident in his eyes. Somehow, with that look in his eyes, I found myself spilling out everything that happened yesterday.

"Gosh!" Ethan said as soon as I was done. "Why would you even think that?" I knew he was trying so hard to understand me and not get angry.

"I know, I know. Everything just didn't add up. Somehow, I believed Candice was too strong to kill herself." I tried to explain. Ethan frowned shaking his head.

"You didn't get to meet Candice so you don't have any right to assume." I nodded my head.

"I'm really sorry." Ethan nodded just as the bell went off for first.

"Crystal mustn't hear this." Ethan said, seriously. "She'd be beyond pissed-"

"There you are!" Someone yelled hurrying to me. Auburn hair came charging towards me and I shared a glance with Ethan, terrified.

"Been waiting for you all morning! Didn't you get my text?!" Crystal huffed as she stopped in front of me. Visibly, Ethan and I relaxed.

"What?" Crystal arched an eyebrow. "You both look like you've just seen a ghost." I nearly winced at the irony of the situation.

"Well, you scared me!" I said, jabbing a finger into the side of her stomach.

"Ouch!" She yelped, backing away from me. "Well, didn't you receive my text?" I shook my head as I pulled out my phone from my backpack. I did a facepalm as I realized it was off. I remember I had turned it off when Caleb had almost run down my battery with his calls and texts to hurry me up.

"Sorry, it's off." I grinned sheepishly as I waved my phone at her.

"Ugh!" Crystal huffed. "Anyway, guess what!" She squealed. I had no choice but to cover my ears. I looked to Ethan and I saw he wanted to be anywhere but here. But for some reason, he stood where he was.

"What, Crystal, what?" I sighed.

"Don't you dare use that tone, you party pooper!" Crystal said, jabbing her elbow into my stomach. I groaned.

"What is it, dear Crystal? Pray tell!" Even a deaf man could hear the sarcastic tone. She rolled her eyes.

"You have been nominated as a member of the school's anniversary committee! Yaaay!" She was the only one celebrating as I tried to convince myself I had heard well.

"What?" I asked, incredulously. "Why?!"

"Relax!" Crystal rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed I had halted her jubilation. "He nominated you." She pointed to Ethan. Suddenly, Ethan started backing away.

"Oh, you wait for me, Ethan Woods!" I made a move to launch at him but Crystal held me back, chuckling. Ethan did a mock salute and walked away. I seethed.

"Why would he even do that? I'm not interested in this!" I said, disentangling myself from Crystal's arms.

"I know." She was suddenly sober. "It's just that we needed a replacement for Candice. Ethan suggested you because, why not?"

"Oh." I said, suddenly feeling bad for the way I reacted. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, hey." Crystal shook her head. "Don't beat yourself up. I mean, we didn't consult you before the selection, so it's not your fault."

"Caleb and Ryan? Weren't they against it? I mean, I'm their slave." Crystal scoffed.

"Slave my foot! Left for me, all four of them wouldn't even be in the committee. But they're shareholders so there isn't so much of a choice. However," She smirked. "My decision is final." I chuckled at the fact that she obviously loved the way she could 'control' them.

Then I remembered my maths class.

"O my gosh, o my gosh!" I frantically shut my locker.

"What is it Sam?!"

"I'm already late for my maths class!" Crystal groaned then punched me on my arm.

"Ouch! What was that for?" I snapped.

"For you to calm down! All committee members have been excused from their classes today. You would have known this if you had read the text I sent you!"


"Yeah, oh!" A broad grin spread across my face.

"I'm definitely glad to be in this committee! I must specially thank Ethan!" Crystal snorted but pulled me along with her.

"Our assignments would be sent to us via email though." What?

"I take back what I said!"


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