24. My Man

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A L M I R A' S   P O V

Right now, it was two o'clock in the morning or night whatever it is and been half an hour since we, I and Nada, both decided to sleep. But sleep was too far for me. I was worried sick about Rahim. That guy is so careless that he doesn't care about himself at all.

My mind wander about him. He last called me at half past ten and now it's been so long since I've talked to him.

It's not like I am missing him or something. I just care about him because he's kinda sick.

Now, I can't call him. What if he must be sleeping? So I decided to drop a text.

Asalamwalaikum (peace be upon you). Did you take the tablets and switched off the AC? IF YOU DIDNT THEN YOU'LL HAVE TO FACE MY WRATH!

I clicked on the 'sent' icon and laid down. Maybe he'll see in the morning and then reply.

When I was lost in my thoughts, my phone made a 'ting' sound. I looked at my phone to see a message from 'My Man'.

You see how he went from 'My Enemy' to 'My Man'

My Man
Walaikumasalam (peace be upon you too). Yes wifey, I have taken the medicine and the AC is also switched off. If you still don't believe then we can video call ;)

This guy will never leave a chance.


My Man
I can ask you the same. I couldn't sleep without you beside me :( Why aren't you asleep?

Now what do I answer. How will I tell him that I also couldn't sleep because of him!

My Man
Nevermind. No need to answer that. I know why were you awake.

What do you mean by 'I know why were you awake'?

My Man
Nothing. AllahHafiz (Parting greeting of Muslims. Basically meaning let God be with you). Take care. Love you <3

Okay. AllahHafiz and you too take care.

I was going to switch off the WiFi when again I got a notification.

My Man
You missed one thing.


My Man
You replied only to AllahHafiz and take care, but what about 'love you'?

Byeee. . . I am already sleepy -_-

My Man
Sweet dreams, sweetheart <3

He went offline then. He's really making things tough for me.

I woke up at Fajr time and woke up Nada also, we both offered our Salah and again slept.

Then next time when I got up when I sensed someone caressing my face.

"Mira..." A familiar voice called out my name.

Rahim? But how come he will be here? I am just imagining things. Shut up, Mira and sleep. I chanted to myself.

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