3. Wifey

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A L M I R A' S  P O V

This stupid boy! What does he think about himself? Idiot! Because of him I got scolded by Mom and now I will take revenge. I will not let go of that.

I don't know how will the family members would react after hearing our decision that we don't want the Ruksati to happen.

Oh God! Only thinking about it makes me want to go and hide somewhere.

Talk about being an idiot, what is Rahim going to say? I think we should talk before we tell them our final decision. Because that Ullu ka patha has thought of nothing, it seems.

Yes, we need to talk.

I walked up to his room which was just across the room in which I reside.

I knocked on the door. Once. Twice. Thrice. Why is he not opening tha door? Did he die? Yass! Let's call for a celebration. I would be so happy if this happens. But still I needed to get sure so I decided to knock again.

"RAHIM! OPEN THE DOOR!" I banged on the door again and again.

"Oh my dear daughter-in-law. Have patience. Your husband must be changing. What's the rush?" Aunt Maroosha appear out of nowhere and stunned me with her words. How can she tease me with her annoying son? I don't understand people nowadays. But still the word husband sounds weird to me.

"Nahi, Aunt I've been knocking on the door for past ten minutes and he hasn't open it. So I thought to bang the door." I saved myself by saying this. (No.)

"Patience Mira, patience. I am opening the door." I heard the nincompoop's voice from inside.

"He's fine dear. And be ready with your decision for tonight. Okay?" Aunty reminded and I just nodded as she walked away.

"What happened?" Asked Rahim after opening the door. He was wearing a black shirt with pants. He was looking good though. Huh! What happened to me. Did I just compliment him? Scratch it from your mind, Mira. Just S-C-R-A-T-C-H it.

" I wanted to talk to you" I folded my arms across my chest standing infront of him.

"About?" He implored as his brows furrowed with confusion.

"Our marriage." I stated in an obvious tone. This guy is really dumb.

"I knew it. I knew it. Now you are getting second thoughts on not marrying me na? See now you are backing off. Its okay it's not your fault I mean who could deny this charming boy. But Mira I am telling you that we made a deal ab-" What is he saying? He has totally gone bonkers. I came here to discuss the plan.

"STOP! NOT A WORD FROM YOUR DUMB MOUTH! YOU IDIOT I CAME HERE TO SORT THINGS OUT AND YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT I WANT TO MARRY YOU!? HUH! YOU ARE SO COCKY, YOU EGOISTICAL MAN!" I shouted at him. Phew! My throat is going to die soon. Maybe I just exaggerated it but its surely gonna pain as hell.

"Oh I am sorry I thought that...." He sputtered coming up with his stupid excuses.

"You thought what? What ha? Phsyco!" I spat. "Anyway I came here to tell you that we need to plan about what are we gonna tell to our parents." I added as calmly as possible.

"Oh yes. . . We would try our level best to postpone the Ruksati atleast. And unfortunately if that also doesn't go right then we'll just ask them to cancel the Valima." He explained.

"We'll just ask them to cancel the Valima." I mimicked his voice. "Do you think that they'll agree to this condition? Never. We need to think something, something which is acceptable." I pointed out to him because I know my parents. They'll never agree with what he said.

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