Chapter 2

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I boarded the flight, and took out my phone to quickly text Zoe that I was on it.

"I have just boarded the plane!" I tweeted to my followers, which was mainly my friends.

I instantly got a reply from Zoe saying have a good time. I smiled to myself. I was lucky to have such a good friend.

(About 22 hours later...)

"Meet me outside of Maccas Zoe" I texted her, hoping that she would find me soon enough.

I had been waiting at McDonald's for about 20 minutes when someone grabbed my shoulders, which made me jump and scream.

'Zoe!' I said, 'you nearly gave me a heart attack!'.

'Haha I wouldn't want to do that to you!' She said while still laughing.

'Well, how are you Zo? It's been a while since I've seen you!' I asked happily.

'Im really good, and how about you Sofie?' She said with a huge smile.

'Im great!' I said with a big smile.

'You have so many bags Sofie, how are they all going to fit in my car?' She said looking a bit doubtful.

'I don't know but we will have to try' I said.

After eventually fitting all of my bags and suitcases into Zoe's car, she started driving away, back to her, I mean our house.

The scenery on the way there was so different compared to back home.

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