What I did for summer vacation....Not!

Start from the beginning

"Hello!" A blonde haired girl pops up from her bed making me jump fifty feet into the air. She tilts her head, did I scare you?" I smile weakly in response. She shook her head, brown eyes brightening. "My name's Rachel. Rachel Kilmore. What's yours?" She stuck out her hand to me, waiting for me to shake it. I didn't move an inch. "My names Maya Clara Woodsfield." Her hand goes back to her side. "Do you always say your middle name? Because mine is-""No. That's my first name. Maya Clara." I nod my head. She nods hers. "Well, I think it's time to go to class" she said grabbing her books from the desk on her side of the room and left out the front door. I sit down on my bed and looked at the radio. It's only twelve pm. I guess that's when it starts. We have a two-day schedule. And today is day one. My first class is math then English then gym and then a free one. I get up from my bed, grab my books, sigh and leave for math.  

When the day's over nothing made sense. The math was complicated yet, I still understood it. English was much easier all we did was dress up as different people and had different accents. Gym was impossible with a real retired military officer teaching us. For the free, I finished all my math homework. Tomorrow seemed to look better. "Hi" someone says sliding into the seat next to me. "Hello" I say swallowing the huge bite I just took from my pizza. "Pizza for dinner? You don't like pasta? Anything Italian or Greek? Meat?" he asks looking at me. I turn and look at him nearly coughing my pizza back up. His warm brown eyes and soft, brown curly hair makes him look adorable. He raises an eyebrow at me after what seems like a lifetime of me just staring at him.  

I shake my head, "No I'm a vegetarian" I blurt out. This isn't a lie but it's not true either. I'm only half vegetarian. He nods his head and leans in closer, a smile playing on his lips. "My names Dylan. And you must be Maya Clara, all the way from Canada." I literally stop breathing and my heart stops beating. How in the world did he know that? I think to myself. But I just smile and nod my head. He leans back in his seat and I look down at my hands. At how pale my body is and how his skin seemed to be a light tan colour.  

For some reason, everyone seemed to want to talk me all day. They just come up to me and ask my name and who I have and where I am from. It all freaks me out. The second day's better. Julian seems to be in all of my day two classes which are: Science, Biology, History, Geography, and art and music. After the first few days at The G.I.F.T. academy (that's what they call it here) I start to feel at home. Actually wanted. I guess you could say my mother was right about me making some friends here. She calls me every day, when she knew I wouldn't have any classes.  

After a month, I fit in perfectly. Everyone wants to be my friend and wants to help me out with everything. And I didn't know why until the day everything went wrong. "Hey Maya" Rachel says walking beside me. "Hey Rachel." We walk to gym. Right when we reach the door a man in a black suit jabs Rachel in the ribs making, her scream out in pain. I gasp as someone grabs me by the waist, covers my mouth and picks me up. I start screaming and kicking whoever is carrying me. But it's was no use; they don't even seem to notice. They walk out of the building while everyone inside is running and screaming like headless chickens as the doors closes. A white van pulls up and we got in. The one carrying me put me down. "Let me-""Shut up! Your cute and all Claire but, I have the urge to kill you for kicking me in the family jewels" says the person cutting me off. I didn't even know that I did. They take off their mask to show their true self. His dark skin and green eyes, curly hair and pained but laughing smile on his face. Another guy but this time with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes comes over me with a needle. I hate needles; I always scream or black out. Everyone else in the van held me still. The guy with the needle comes closer to me and the van makes a sharp right turn causing him to fall and almost drop the needle in his hands. "Careful next time Hunter!" he yelled to the driver. Hunter, the driver laughs. "Sure thing Jake."  

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