A younger girl took a step forward and Judith stared. She knew that the goddess was forever immortalized in a young girl's body, but a twelve year old? Artemis had never been a visitor at Camp Half-Blood; at least, not while Judith had been there. It had always just been her Hunters who stayed a night or two while the goddess scouted a particular monster down.

  "Not so," she said. There was a brighter glow and regality to her; she was graceful and stern, her face showing a maturity that Judith certainly didn't have at 12 years old, not that she wanted that or anything. "The hunting of all wild beasts is within my sphere. And you, foul creature, are a wild beast." She looked at the older girl with the circlet. "Zoë, permission granted."

  The manticore growled. "If I cannot have them alive, I shall have them dead!" He lunged at Percy, knowing he was still weak and dazed.

  "No!" Annabeth and Judith yelled, and they charged at the monster. Judith didn't go so far as to jump on his back as the blonde did, but her upfront attack was just as efficient.

  "Get back, half-bloods!" Zoë said. "Get out of the line of fire!"

  But the two girls were too far gone in defending the weakened son of Poseidon. Annabeth got her knife into his mane and he howled. Judith took this as her chance to finally slash the Manticore with all her strength, feeling she needed to prove her sword could do just as much damage as an arrow. His yelping only increased and he started to spin in circles and dance around on his feet to get away from Judith and throw Annabeth from his neck.

  "Fire!" Zoë ordered.

  Judith stopped, "Wait!"

  "No!" Percy screamed, voice hoarse.

  But the Hunters let their arrows fly. The first few caught the manticore in the neck and another hit his chest. The manticore staggered backward, wailing, "This is not the end, Huntress! You shall pay!"

  Judith saw what the monster was doing and tried leaping for Annabeth's hand, only grazing her fingertips. The monster growled and held onto the girl tighter, jumping off the edge of the cliff and falling into the murky darkness. Judith ran to the side, skidding to a stop as the rocks crumbled dangerously off.

  "Annabeth!" Percy yelled also stumbling his way over.

  The sound of gunfire came from the still hovering helicopter and the hunters all took cover. Judith grabbed Percy's shield that was still hooked on his arm and held it above them, making him wince with exertion. Neither of them paid attention to the rattling against it as they stared out beyond, both wondering how things had gone south so quickly.

  "Mortals," the goddess announced, "are not allowed to witness my hunt." She thrust out her hand, and the helicopter exploded into a giant flock of ravens. Judith could barely register that she had just turned a couple humans into animals, essentially ending their lives without so much as a second thought.

  The Hunters advanced on the two demigods who were ready to risk it all and jump over the side. A few of the girls snatched onto the back of their jackets and pulled them back with unnecessary aggression. Judith shoved the girl holding her away and she gave her a distasteful look. "Don't touch me."

  Zoë rolled her eyes at Judith's behavior and stopped short when she saw Thalia. "You," she said with disgust.

  "Zoë Nightshade." Thalia's voice trembled with anger. "Perfect timing, as usual."

  Zoë disregarded her and turned to face her leader. "Five half-bloods and a satyr, my lady."

  "Yes," she said. "Some of Chiron's campers, I see."

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