Ch. 4 Meeting the Phantomhive servants

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Lillian's Pov

I heard someone talking to me, but I couldn't exactly hear them clearly. I didn't even bother to try and wake up cause if I did, I'd probably end up grumpy later on.

Since I had decided to ignore whoever was talking to me, they finally got quiet. The next thing I know the blankets get pulled off me, exposing me to the cold air. Well cold to me anyway. I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjust before giving the person who took the blanket away a piece of my mind.

When they finally decided to adjust correctly, I turned and saw Sebastian holding the blanket and just looking at me.

" I'm so sorry M'lady, but the young master has told me to awaken you. He said to help you change and to tell you to meet him in his study. He has a lot to ask you." He said in his formal butler attitude. Sheesh why is he so formal. Whatever the reason, I'm gonna try to find a way to get him to not be so formal. As I was thinking of a plan, Sebastian handed me a blue dress that had a three layers and a small darker blue belt to is. As for the shoes he gave me some blue heel (they weren't that tall) that were the same light blue as the dress and had cute bow on the front. When Sebastian wasn't look, and I was done putting on the dress, I broke off the heels of the shoes and put them in a drawer. I was the same height as Ciel, I didn't want to make him feel short, even though he's like a month younger than me.

A little while later, after getting lost on the way to the study.......a lot, I finally found it. It turned out it was at the end of the hall ╮(╯▽╰)╭. I knocked on the door to see if he was still in there. After hearing a "come in" I went in and just stood there like an idiot. I know I should have sat down but, in a way, Ciel kinda freaks me out a little.

When he looked up from some papers he was reading, probably from my mother, he just looked at me for a while. To be honest I felt as if though he was testing me to see if I was some child who couldn't behave ( like Elizabeth ^ω^)or if I was a mature teenage girl. During that time I was holding my breath.

It took him about five minutes to finally decide I was worth his time and gestured to the chair in front of his desk. I was still holding my breath not knowing if I should sit or stay where I am. After like about 3 minutes, he realized I didn't know what to do.

" You can sit down. You don't need to be standing." He said. I walked over to the chair and carefully sat down. I didn't want to do something wrong. I guess he noticed I was holding my breath cause he had a shocked look on his face.

" Have you been holding your breath the entire time you've been in here?" He asked. I didn't know how to answer to I just nodded my head, slowly letting go of my breath. He just look at me like I had multiple eyes. Okay, so maybe I did but they don't show up unless I'm in a different form.

" So anyways, I wanted to talk to you about that man that appeared yesterday. Who was that?" He asked. I automatically started freaking out. How was I supposed to tell him 'oh, he's just some crazy blood sucking vampire that wants to force me to become his lover. Oh did I mention he's also my uncle?' Of course I was trying to come up with something in my head, until I heard a knock at the door. Thank you so much whoever knocked!!! Now I can try to come up with something while Ciel talks to them.

When Ciel gave the person the word to come in, I finally had a fake story to tell him. I had decided to tell him that he was some psycho maniac who has been trying to attack me for wanting the royal crown and wanting my place. Yeah that should work.

Clearly I had been thinking to hard because I didn't hear Ciel calling my name until he snapped his fingers in my face.

" Lillian!!" He yelled.

"Hmm what?" I felt so stupid right now. I really need to pay more attention to things.

" Sebastian said if you were okay with meeting the rest of my servants after talking with me. It seems that they really want to meet you." He told me.

" Sure I don't mind." I said quietly while nodding my head. Sebastian was the. On his way to got tell the rest of the servants I'm guessing.

Not to long after he left, Ciel asked the same question. So I answered him like this.

" That man is named James. He's been trying to attack me and my family for a while now. He wants to take the royal crown and become a royal. All he wants is power, but if we give it to him, I'm sure that he will just use if for evil." I hope he believes what I said. Is it even believeable? I don't know. I looked at Ciel to see if he believed my. I guess he did since he just said alright and let me go.

Since I was now free and had nothing to do, I decided to meet these Phantomhive servants I haven't met. Walking down the stairs, I ended up skipping the last one and tripped. I was waiting for me to hit the ground, but I never did. Instead I felt a pair of arms around my waist.

As I looked up I saw a young man with blond hair, red pins holding his bangs in place, with green eyes. He was wearing gloves and had a hat that was hanging on the back of his neck.

" Miss are you okay? Be careful. You could get seriously injured." He told me politely.

" Yeah I'm okay. Thank you so much." I thanked him. At first he just looked at me normally, but then his eyes widened and he bowed down.

" I'm so sorry your majesty. I shouldn't have made eye contact with you!" He apologized.

" Oh no its okay. And please just call me Lillian." I told him politely. Before the young man could say anything else, another man and a woman came running into the room.

" Finney what's wrong?" They asked in unison. So that's his name.

" Her majes- I mean Lady Lillian tripped and I caught her. I didn't notice who she was until I made eye contact with her." He explained to them. Then they turned to look at me and bowed. Okay I officially hate being born into a royal family.

" Miss are you okay? You're not injured are you?" They asked in unison again.

" No I'm perfectly fine." I told them. They seemed to relax afterwards. " I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are your names?" I asked them.

" I'm Meyrin and this is Bardroy." The maid said pointing to herself then to the other man.

" Well its very nice to meet you." I told them. They all had stars in their eyes. I was about to start walking when the door opened and the most annoying voice in the world rang through the room.

" Oh Ciiiiiieeeeeeeeelllll!" The voice rang. Great. Just great. Elizabeth.


Okay so I know I haven't updated. And I'm sorry. If you're mad you can just go ahead and kill me. I will atone to my lack of updating by letting you guys kill me. Also sorry its short. You know what just kill me. Kill me now! ╥﹏╥

Anyways there's that chapter. What do you think will happen between Lizzy and Lilly?

Comment you're thoughts and opinions.

Also don't forget to vote!!

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