Ch.2 Dancing At A Ball

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Lillian's POV

   The looks on Ciel and Elizabeth's faces were kinda creepying me out.

"Um hey guys." I said.

"Is that really you, Lillian?" Ciel asked.

"Yeah, it's me." I said looking down. I walked away from them not wanting to deal with Elizabeth's crap. as I was walking I ran into a boy that looked a year older than me. He had blonde hair that surrounded his head perfectly, icy blue eyes that I couldn't stop staring at, and a smile that I knew I couldn't forget. His smile was a true genuine smile and I know I will never smile like that. Thats why I wont be able to forget.

"Hello M'lady, would you like to dance with me?" he asked politely. I accepted for two reasons. One I wanted to lose Ciel and Elizabeth. Two I wanted to see what dancing at a ball felt like. We headed to the dancefloor and got into position. My hand went to his shoulder and the other held one of his. His other hand gentle grabbed my waist. As we moved elegantly to the music, I started to realize how fun dancing at a ball was. Once the song ended we just stood infront of each other. I was about to open my mouth when I hear ciel argue with the boy I danced with.

"Alois Trancy, what are you doing here?" He asked him.

"I heard that there was a ball and decided to crash it since I wasn't invited." Alois answered. "I'm actually having lots of fun. I even danced with the princess." he said looking at me.

"You danced with Lillian!?"he said getting angry. Then he turned to me. "I thought you said you didn't like dancing!" he said.

"I don't, but everyone was looking at me and I had to do something." I told him. Then Elizabeth came and started yelling at me.

"What are you doing here!?!?" Elizabeth said getting angry. I swear I would attack her but if I did, I'd get caught.

"Behave Elizabeth!" Ciel scolded the poor princess.

"I was invited. Why else would I be here?" I asked. She just glared at me.

"Come with me." Ciel said as he reached out for my hand. He led me upstairs and I swear I heard everyone gasp. It sound so wrong! I bet everyone thinks that something, which I will not say, was going to happen. That man I was talking to earlier, Elizabeth, Ciel, and I entered a room. We all took off our masks and sat down.

"I'm surprised you even came to the ball. You hardly ever leave the castle, much less attend balls. You hardly even talk to people." he said.

"I was forced by my mother to come. I wouldn't have came, but then again I needed to get out of that castle. Im tired of being stuck there." I said. Although I said the last part last, it seems that Sebastian heard me. Of course he would he's a demon.

"What do you mean stuck there?" he asked. Elizabeth just looked at me. I was reading her mind and she knew it. She was asking if she could tell them. I told her to deny anything.

"I have my secrets. And I would not like to share them." I told him kindly. Ciel and Sebastian just looked at each other confused. "Never mind." I said.

"Elizabeth can I," and I got interrupted by screams coming from down stairs. We all went running to the screams, and there stood, the man I feared most. My Uncle James. I stood there frozen unable to move.

"Lillian move you can't just stand there!" Ciel yelled at me. I still didn't move.

"She's frozen in fear. There is no hope in trying to get her to move." Elizabeth explained.

"Who is that!?" Ciel asked.

"That's Lillian's uncle. He was the very first person who had raped her. Now everytime she sees him, hears his name, or thinks of him she freezes." Aurther explained to them. "We're gonna need help. Victoria call them." my brother said. In a flash two girls appeared. One with reddish-brown, medium hair and one with dirty blonde, short hair. They were the only people I ever talked to that weren't in my family. My only friends in the world.

"Take her and those three back to my mother now! We'll take care of james." Rebecca told the two girls. Amanda, the one with medium hair carried me, Christina carried Elizabeth,  and of course Sebastian carried Ciel. Sebastian followed Amanda and Christina to my castle.

When we arrived at the front door, Amanda slapped me.

"Knock out of it Lilli he's not here anymore!" she said gaining my attention.

"Huh, what? Oh sorry I was just you know...... frozen." I answered. "Come on let's go inside." I said leading them in. Walking in, I ran into Jefferson. I thought he was still over there. He must have left to get something. "Jefferson where's my mother?" I asked.

"Princess what are you doing back? Your mother is in the dining room." I started running when he finished. Everyone else followed.

"Mother..... James......... he's .............. back........ and ............ he attacked ........... the ball." I said running out of breath. I had asthma so it was a really bad choice to run.

"What!?" she yelled. "That's not good........ I'm sorry Lillian but you're going to have to go on hide out. You have no other choice." she told me.

"No! I don't like being on hide out! Please just let me stay somewhere else! I really don't want to go back to hide out!" I whined.

"But there's no other choice........ unless." she said walking over to Ciel. "Ciel would you please let Lillian stay with you for a while just until we take care of James or until we're sure James won't be coming back anytime soon?" she asked.

"Sure. I wouldn't mind. Anything to help." He said.

"Thanks Ciel." I said. I was gonna hug him, but that would just be weird. Considering I hardly talk to him.

"Pack your stuff. You're probably gonna be there for a while." My mother told me. I nodded and headed upstairs to start packing. Amanda and Christina came with me.

"So you're gonna be staying at Lord Phantomhive's manor?" They said mocking me.

"Shut up. It's only while James is here." I told them. After a few minutes I finished packing and headed down stair. It appeared that Jefferson was coming too. He would come along. He doesnt trust the Phantomhive's. He never has. When we got down, I said bye to my mother and brother. He and my sisters had apparently arrived while I was packing. Well looks like I'm gonna be gone from the castle for a while. As Ciel and I walked to the carriage, Sebastian offered to take my bag. Elizabeth had left because she was bored and tired. I was looking out the window, when my eye closed and the darkness surrounded me. I fell asleep.

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