I couldn't

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My mission was to eliminate her
But I couldn't.

Her beautiful smile,
Her rich brown eyes,
Her silky caramel hair,
Her amazing sense of humor,
Her contagious laughter,
I couldn't.

The boss told me to eliminate her
But I couldn't.

The world stopped
As I looked at her
And my heart pounded even harder
With every breath.
I couldn't.

When I looked at her I knew
Everything would be okay.
I couldn't.

I explained to the boss that
I couldn't
But he said
You're too soft
You spineless fool.

And as I was getting prepared
To be eliminated by the boss
For not carrying out the mission,
I thought of that girl,
Her beautiful smile,
Her rich brown eyes,
Her silky caramel hair,
Her amazing sense of humor,
Her contagious laughter,
I couldn't.

Just then the whole world stopped
And I could feel her heart
Pounding against mine.
Hers in passion, mine in fear.
Staggered breaths,
Tears streaming down my face.
All of a sudden
Overwhelmed by my own elimination.
I couldn't.

I could hear her soft voice telling me
That everything would be okay.
I believed her.
I loved her.
I couldn't.

I couldn't resist the boss anymore.
I gave up the fight
All for that girl.
I couldn't.

I wanted to tell her
That I saved her
And that I loved her
But I couldn't.

(My attempt at "poetry")

Short Stories and WhatnotTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon