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Here's something I wrote for a short story contest. (It's 9 1/2 pages so warning, it wasn't very "short")

The town of Coronet, location of the greatest of the crystal cores.

Centered in the town, revered by the humans.

A young female, distinguished by her wings, destined to destroy the town.

Possessing a power greater than any other- life draining.

Using her power to drain all life energy in the town,

Transferring the energy to the crystal core,

Earth will be ours again.

That was the first story I ever heard. My father was sure to emphasize that I was the one to fulfill this prophecy. I was brought into life with a strange phenomenon: a large set of flying apparatuses attached to my posterior half. The apparatuses had numerous peculiar appendages extruding from them, unlike the smooth ones I had seen portrayed in ancient lore back home. My father told me that the apparatuses were called "wings," and although I had a distaste for the title at first, I have grown to accept the title.

My father trained me from a young age to hone my unique powers. According to him, I should focus my vision on an object and unfurl my large wings to begin the life absorption process. I feel my core become warmer with the newfound energy from the object as its life force fades away. I am filled with a strange, tingling sensation from the life energy. My father usually attempted to find a remote location for me to practice. As it turns out, I was feared by many of the locals because of my powers. To many, it was the most powerful, and even the most potentially dangerous, power they had ever witnessed. Sometimes I felt as if my father were the only one who respected me.

These memories circled through my mind as I was sent off to Earth. My father entrusted me to go alone, stating that he believed that I was capable. I knew it would be a long trip over from here, so I spent the time preparing myself.

The town of Coronet, location of the greatest of the crystal cores.

Centered in the town, revered by the humans.

A young female, distinguished by her wings, destined to destroy the town.

Possessing a power greater than any other- life draining.

Using her power to drain all life energy in the town,

Transferring the energy to the crystal core,

Earth will be ours again.

The words of the prophecy rang through my head once again as I approached the Earthen town of Coronet. Our spacecraft, Cylanius, landed on the filthy ground of this sad excuse of a planet. I exited Cylanius and searched for the crystal core. Legend has it that all of our people's cores are merely shards of crystal cores scattered across this planet. These cores would allow our people to rebuild our wasteland. Coronet was the theorized location of the greatest of the crystal cores, and it was my mission to find it.

I wandered through the large paths of Coronet. For a supposedly small town, its paths were a labyrinth. Each one split off into several other paths, and many intersected at various sections. It seemed to be a relatively uninhabited location, with a surprisingly large amount of structures lining the paths. I was greatly puzzled by these structures, since I grew accustomed to seeing rubble everywhere. Back home, there was only one structure that remained: the palace, where my father, the king, raised me. Although I was the princess, I saw little to no value in the title.

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