A Night On The Town

Start from the beginning

"Pfft, boy? I'm a man." Stephan flexed real quick and I laughed then turned my head looking for his car. "Where's your car?" I asked still looking and he stops my rotating head. "No car, we have Roxy." Roxy? Who the hell is Roxy? Stephan turned my head to a glistening black motorcycle.

"Hell no." He laughed and pushed me along. "C'mon sweetheart, nothing to fear. You got all pretty for me and I wanna take you out, plus Roxy's gentle. Be a doll and put this on."

He tossed me a helmet and I glared at him. "Do you even know how to drive this thing? I don't want to die." I said reluctantly putting on the black helmet and he shrugged. "I got here didn't I?" I rolled my eyes.

"Let me rephrase that. Do you know how to drive this thing with another person properly??" Stephan smirked then put on his own helmet. He came closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist tenderly. "We'll find out tonight now won't we princess?" I tilted my head and yelped as I felt Stephan joist me up and put me on the back of the bike. Then eventually hopping on himself. "You should probably hold on." Hold on freak where?

I ignored him and he chuckled. "Fine." Stephan reved the engine and took off, making me coil my arms around him tightly. We're going to die! I'm pretty sure Stephan is break 62 speed limits!

"Stephan you Idiot!" I yelled.

"Wooooooooooh!!!!!" He chanted and swirved the bike, making it switch lanes. Cars honked and beeped but Stephan just laughed it off. Jeez, what wrong with him..

After a while Stephan calmed down and we were having a nice ride. Soon we were in the city, passing all the enormous buildings that we didn't have in our town. "Its amazing out here." I gazed upon the lights, everyone was already preparing for Christmas and it just all felt magical.

"Your folks never took you out side the town?" I shook my head. "Maybe once when I was smaller but I haven't ..no body has been to the city yet. That I know of anyways. Our town is 10 minutes outside of a big city, anyone could leave but why do that when we already have what we do need inside our town.

It wasn't necessary to leave. Which is why a lot of the people born there stay, it sounds scary though.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to see as many things as you want another day. Just say when." My chest got warm when he said this. I would really love to explore more outside the town. "Promise?"

I saw Stephan give a smaller, gentler smile. "I promise Naomi."


Stephan took us to a really classy family restaurant, it was perfect for my taste because I really didn't need anything fancy for a first date. He said after we'll go to the movies, which sounds like fun because I haven't been there in a while.

"Say ahh" Stephan said with pasta wrapped around his fork.

"I'll die first before I let you do that" I laughed when he pouted. " He was really adorable when he wasn't acting like an asshole. I opened my mouth and ahhed. Stephan smiled like he won first prize at a fair. "Sooo delicious" I say

"Yeah, they have awesome food here." I agreed silently by nodding my head. "Hey sweetheart."

"Yes?" Stephan rested his head in his hand. "Why did you start liking that Kuyler guy? He ain't all that." I smiled as I poked at my food. "I knew you knew his name." He blushed making me smile bigger. "I don't know, Kuyler was just like a super hero that I always wanted. He was kind to me even though he was so popular, handsome no gorgeous even and made me laugh. Kuyler was the perfect guy."

"Then what happened." Stephan smteased and I sighed. "Then a reckless idiot came to our school and threw off my balance. Didnt call me by my name, pushed me in puddles. He brought havoc, broke Kuylers calmed composure and stole my first kiss." Stephan's eyes went from amused to sad when I brought up the kiss part. "About that, I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do with my emotions at that time and Tyler asked you out-


"Don't start with me."

"He asked you out and I just got possessive, sorry if that wasn't the first kiss you imagined." I was shocked. Stephan Pezzementi? Sincerely apologizing? To me? In person? "Hey" I said and he looked up at me.

"It may not have been the first kissed that I always imagined with the person I wanted..but I definitely wouldn't want it any other way." I leaned in and pressed my lips against Stephan's, my first time initiating a kiss. Stephan wasted no time kissing me back. His lips feel like the same way they did when he first kissed. But then a strand of this unnecessary long ass hair got caught between our lips and I pulled away first. "Sorry. I didn't realize it was this long until I straightened it." I laugh and Stephan chuckles.

"Though your straight hair is a sight for sore eyes, I love your curly hair more." I blushed.

"W..why?" He rolled his eyes with a laugh

"Its what makes my cupcake herself." I covered muy face with muy hands, he's so embarrassing! He took my hands away from my face "Don't hide those beautiful eyes from me. Ok?" I nodded being paralyze to speak and Stephan kissed my forehead. "Let's go see that movie." He held his hand out to me and I took it without hesitation which surprised me because I was always hesitant and cautious towards Stephan.

Does this mean I'm really over Kuyler?

"Why do you calk me nicknames instead of my real name?" I asked as we walked out the door and Stephan blew a breath into the cold air. "Because when I saw you at first all these sweet things popped into my mind. Cupcakes and glitter, Princess. Y'know I like to vary. And also everyone calls you by your name."

"Pfft, that's cause its my name." He shrugged.

"Your too sweet to be called only one name. That's why I give you nicknames, if you want me to call you Naomi on a regular basis..don't get your hopes up it cause I won't start." He cackled and I hit his chest making him laugh more.

We go on 'Roxy' and I opened my mouth before he started her engine. "I like when you call me them." Stephan turned to give me a questioning glance.


I blushed again for the fifteenth freaking time tonight. Is he going to make me say it out loud? "The names you give me..I like them ok? So don't stop." I unconsciously squeezed onto him and he sighed. "Your going to be the death of me Princess. A sweet sweet death it will be." Whatever the hell that meant.

"Just get me to the movies so I can go home." I said half annoyed and I could tell Stephan was smirking. "As the princess wishes."

Naomi Baby (Interacial Teen)Where stories live. Discover now