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"Did you see that cocky smirk he gave me!?"

I cry to Tom as we sit at our lunch table, Olivia wasn't here yet and for the last 10 minutes I've been raging about a very rude person. Satan himself, Stephan Pezmentti, okay a tad over board but still, I've never met anyone so mean before except Marcus. Thomas laughs at my distress and runs a hand through his dark brown hair "Your probably just over reacting like usual, you just met the kid how bad could he be?"

He shrugs popping a fry into his mouth, and I give him the are you serious face, that was my fry you jerk. How am I suppose to feel about some rude guy showing up and makes me feel a type of way that's similar to how I feel about shut up Naomi you don't even know this guy! Concentrate on Kuyler arms and six pack- that's better!

"Hello ladies, sorry I'm late! Just bringing new possie to the party" Olivia grins pulling with her a tall guy with baby blonde hair and pure blue sweet eyes, he was adorbes! But Thomas scowls at the girl "I'm a dude, but if you really want to test out that theory I'm sure the janitor left the closet open" Thomas winks at Olivia and she groans in disgust while me and the unknown kid laugh. Don't get me wrong, I love Thomas but he was a man whore and couldn't keep it in his pants to save his life, he's slept with half of the girls in this school and I don't blame them. Tom is freaking hot and if I hadn't known him well since diaper days and wasn't practically in love with someone else, I'd be all over that too.

"Sorry, I don't need herpes. Anyways this is Teddy! he just transfered here with his brother and we met in fourth period, isn't he a doll!" She pulled him down to sit and Teddy blushed and I cooed at his shyness, "Aww, who's your brother?" I ask and he gives a small smile "He's not my real brother, my mom married his dad and bam, new sibling. But he's about my height, black hair and if you've already met him I apologize for his attitude, his name is Stephan" He sighs shaking his head and my smile drops but Toms grows wider.

"No freaking way bro, Stephan is your stepbrother!?" Thomas yells with clear amusement implanted in his voice and I rub my temples, this is a nightmare, this can't be happening! But it is! "That's right, this bundle of joy right here is my baby brother somewhat" A demonically familiar voice chimes in and I outwardly cringe.

There Stephan was, an arm around Teddy who looked like he was about to murder Stephan for being rude. "Stephan how nice of you to join us! we were just chatting about how to exorsie demons" Olivia says with that pixie cute smile of hers and I bite my lip to hold in a chuckle, that wasn't very nice but it was funny. Stephan snorts "I could say the same to you too Tink" He says and Teddy sighs "Stephan stop it, not nice" he pesters but I am not having call out my girl, I love her pretty pixie face. It makes her look adorable. "Hey no name calling, especially with my friends. Now either you eat with us or be nice or leave and brood somewhere else, capishe?" I try to sound stern which is unusual for someone like me but he's asking for mean Naomi.

Stephan smirks and leans down, our nose could just touch at how close he is "Well, well princess cupcake has some backbone" he smirks into his words tilting my chin up for me to be entranced with those gorgeous blue eyes of his and someone snatches his wrist pulling it away from my face. "Is he bothering you Naomi?" Kuyler's voice comes into my mind and my eyes snap to his angry yet concerned brown ones.

I blush, my darling was defending me! Well he's not mines but a girl can dream. Stephan pulls out of Kuylers grip and snarled at him "Don't ever touch me" He says dangerously and now others in the lunch room were staring eagerly and Kuyler eyes get black "Then don't touch her" he growls and those two geniuses I have for friends are just standing or sitting there in amusement waiting for something to happen while Teddy looks worried.

"Ok! no fighting! I'm fine Kuyler, seriously see." I tell him planting a smile on my face, hoping that it will convince him that there's no need to start trouble and he nods. "Talk to you later Naomi" he says to me and tells Thomas and Livia bye with one last glare at Stephan who sticks his tounge out childishly.

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