Dont tell Me what to do

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A big thanks to Cameron for letting me borrow his phone for dis update... ;___; ;___; ;___; I miss my phone....

"You could at least be a little nice to her" Teddy says to me shrugging. If he gives me more stupid advice, I'm gonna punch him in the throat. Brother or nah, don't tell me what to do.

"Why the hell would I be nice for one stupid girl?" I say slamming my locker shut and he sighs smirking. Naomi, her irritated face is so funny I can't help but keep messing with her. That's part of the reason I keep calling her cupcake but I know what her name is, also she still hasn't proven to me that I should call her by her real name.

"Because you like her and its pretty obvious that she's getting a tiny crush on you too" He says in a duh tone and I roll my eyes "I don't like someone I just met two days ago, and plus she like that Shyler dude or whatever his name is" I mumble walking into the class and hand the teacher a fake note with me and Teddy's names on it and we take our seats. I knew the guys name was Kuyler cause Naomi is always talking about him in first period but the guy is such a dunce, he doesn't know how much she fan girls over him.

He laughs at me and I pout even more. "Dude you totally know that his name is Kuyler, your just a jealous biatch" he whispers poking my sides so I grab his finger and bend it backwards making him wince in pain. "Ow ow ow!"

"Is there something the Pezmentti brothers want to share?" The teacher asks and I release Teddy's probably broken finder. "Nope, you do you hunny" I smile charmingly at the teacher who blushes and then turns back to the board discussing more stuff I could care less about. "Dude you almost broke my finger!" I shrugged, he was being a bitch.

"Anyways, instead of making Naomi hate you, you should do things she likes?" Teddy starts back and I don't have the energy or cares to fight him off so I just throw him his bone "Like what? I've known the chick for what? All of two days?" Seriously I'm not some romantic lovey dovey guy, if I like you, I make it known which I've never done before and I'm not even sure if I do like cupcake, she's just peeked my interest as all.

I look over and notice that guy Naomi like is in this class and I blink. Just staring at the back of his stupidly perfect blonde head is getting me mad.

He's on the lacrosse team, captain actually and..really cute

Well that's off the list, I'm not 'cute' I'm fuckimg hot and sports are lame but if thats what it takes to keep sunshine looking at me, I'll join the lacrosse team, plus I wouldn't mind taking spot as captain. A creepy smile appeared on my face and Teddy leaned back a bit "Stephan, I literally hate when you smile, stop it" Teddy whines and I laugh at his genuinely scared look, he totally should be scared.

"All in good time little brother, all in good time"

And then class finishes.


"Yo Shyler you got room for one more?" I yell, smirking into my words as I made my way to the lacrosse field and Kuyler glares daggers at me, awesome.

"Its Kuyler and no dude, we already got this" I looked around and saw that only a few people came to try out and they didn't look like shit "Aww come on cap, afraid I'm gonna show you up?" There were some oohs out there and Kuyler's face burned with anger as he threw the lacrosse stick and gear at me.

"Then show me that your ready to play on my team" He says smugly and I was going to respond until I heard a bratty voice.

"Stephan!" There she is, pretty as ever, she looks kinda mad but she looks adorable upset, is that a new kink? I think so. "What are you doing ya fool? I thought you didn't wanna be a jock?" True but I'm only doing this because you won't see me if I'm not doing this.

"Shut up and watch how its done cupcake, if I make the team, you have to make me cookies. For only me" The way she tried to give those treats to that golden guy got me going and I was not having my baby Naomi give gifts to another man, no effin way. She looked conflicted for a minute before she nodded her head.


"Hey! are you gonna flirt or play newbie?" Kuyler seeths and I shrug not really caring.

"Let's play"


"And I'd like to welcome along our new co captain Stephan Pezmentti!" The lacrosse coach said and the team clapped while I stood there with a big smile on my face and Kuyler with a scowel. "All right men, dismissed." Coach says and I turn to leave but not before Kuyler gets in mah grill "This isn't over Pezmentti" Really? Is this a cheesey cheap movie?

"Whatever dude, can't wait till I'm captain next" And his face paled, I was joking, I really don't want to be captain. Just being on the team is good enough, but he really loves that position like its his first born child. After locker rooms I see Teddy waiting outside the locker room but his eyes are trained on something, so I follow his eyes to the that guy that's with Naomi 94% of the time. He's flirting hardcore with some obviously slutty girl and my jaw drops.(a/n: why do I always have to make some one gay??..)

"Dude, Teddy no way!" But he doesn't say anything and then just walks off to our car with a frown, I walked today since Teddy took the first car and mom and pep pep took the other two. "Ted ol'e boy he's totally straight. You saw the bedroom eyes he was giving that girl?" I laugh at his distress as he sighs ruffling the hair under his hat. "Ugh I know that already! Why are all the good ones straight?" He says and I wiggle my eye brows "I'm hot and straight, but for you Teddy.." I tease and he literally gags, hey! I'm not horrible, I pout and he smiles at me.

"Sorry Stephan but your like a really really annoying big brother who I am not attracted to at all, plus we've known each other since diapers. That's gross liking you, but not in a bad way!" he says defensively and I chuckle at him "I know what you mean squirt." He pouts LOL.

We hop into the Mercedes and pull out the lot. "You used to be straight" I tell him and he scoffs "No, I used to be in denial, You know, like how you like Naomi but you won't admit it." he chuckles and as soon as he stops at a red light, I slap the back of Teddy's neck, I do not like her.

"Your so abusive!" he whines and I laugh as he rubs his neck and continues driving.

I'm not in denial either. But I sure as hell can smell free snacks tomorrow.

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