Because Family's Have Goals

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Sooo I'm updating this because I'm a terrible person and I'm not gonna play the victim. I suck, honestly and don't deserve as many followers as I have. But I was dying those last school months lol however, that is no excuse. I love you all.

Also I got a tattoo..

"So you want me to come to dinner with your mom, step dad and stepbrother who I'd love to run over and dispose of his body in a river."

I tilted my head to question Stephan's psychopathic motives. "Well, basically. Don't know why you'd want to hurt Kuyler though. He's an asshole but he's not worth it." I squeezed Stephan's hands. "I know how this sounds but don't worry too much because in actuality, you're only getting along with my mom."

"And what if Kuyler just so happens to piss me off, y'know what? I'll answer that myself when the time comes." I sighed smiling because I couldn't control what he said now, it'll only fuel him to do more than expected.

Today we were just hanging out at the park like a boring ass couple and I sat on top of the monkey bars with Stephan next to me. "You have something on your lip" Stephan said and I swiped my thumb across my bottom and top lip. "Did I get it?" I ask and Stephan smirks leaning in.

"Nope." And he catches a kiss from me, forcing a smile out of me. Stephan pulls away and I laugh. "You are so corny."

"You eat that shit up though, let's get out of here. If I stay at parks too long it will happen." Stephan looked around the empty play ground with fearful eyes. What will happen?

"Children" he whispered to me but I didn't understand.

"Children? What about them?" There were no kids in sight so what the hell is he talking about? Stephan peered around the grounds nervously then looked back to me "Every time I go to the park they always follow me around and force me to play with them. Always. I don't like kids. They make me feel uncomfortable and they're creepy." I chuckled and was about to ask why because i loved kids but Stephan shuushed me

"Look! There's one now! Look at it just staring at me!" I looked below the Monkey bars to see a little boy with orange hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was intently staring at Stephan but how scared he was of a child was hilarious. "He wants to play Stephan."

"No. Stephan Pezzementi does not-holy shit there's more." Looking back down there were like five more kids along with the ginger one. Okay, now that was scary. "Do you wanna play with us Mr?" The ginger kid said and all the other laughed and asked too.

"Hell. No. Can't you play with each other or something?" Stephan said really terrified. I placed my hand on his back "Oh Stephan how bad can playing with a few kids be?" Then I pushed him off the Monkey bars where the kids cheered and started attacking Stephan..with tickles.

"! Stop! Rotten kids! Dammit Naomi!" Jeez, didn't know my boyfriend was so ticklish! I hoped down and went over to Stephan "Make them stop!" I hopped down and squatted near the scene. "I think Stephan said he wanted to be tickled more guys. What do you think?"

"Yeah!" They wailed and their little finginger worked mercilessly and Stephan squiremed and laughed as he tried to control it. This was too adorable. "Say uncle!" A little girl told him.

"Uncle! Uncle Cheesy Fucks Uncle!" The kids instantly stopped and laughed to look at a tired Stephan. He was just sprawled out with his eyes closed taking deep breaths "Good job guys but it looks like he's a little tired."

One kid tugged on my jeans. "Is he dead?" They looked at me fearfully and I patted his head. "No, he's not. Maybe if we give him a kiss he'll wake up!"

"Naomi if anyone of these snot nose midges puts their sticky lips on me I'm going on a murderous rampage." Stephan said with his eyes still closed. But I rolled mines, how dramatic. "Well you heard him! Start the kisses!"

The kids bent down and planted kisses all over Stephan's cheeks and forehead and he squealed like he was being eaten alive by wolverines. "Alright kids go play somewhere else."

"Awwwwwwwwwe!!" They moaned. I shrugged. "Who knows, Stephan might come back tomorrow and play with you guys. But only if you're good now and go play!"

The children yelled in excitement, I covered my ears with a smile. That's crazy how Stephan hates kids (or so he says) but every child looks like they adore him. Then they ran onto the play ground, leaving me to take care of Stephan.

I felt a tiny hand slapy leg before looking down. "Will you come to miss?"

"Err, sure!" I thought their Queen was Stephan but I guess. She smiled and ran off to join her friends.

"Alright big guy up ya go." I pulled Stephan up by his hands. When I pulled him up he pinched my nose. "You're evil. This is your punishment."

"I'm sowwy."

"No you're not." I laughed when he let go and I hugged his torso. "Haha, you're right. Can I attack you with kisses as well?"

"As if you needed to ask.." He murmered and kissed me. I hope the kids weren't watching. "Hey, lets get out of here." He told me grabbing my hand. I agreed.

Stephan walked me to my door. "Tomorrow at 7?" He asked "Yeah, Friday at 9?" He nodded. These were the dates we decided to let our relationship open to our parents. I was deathly afraid of Stephan's parents. No one in town I think has seen them before because they're very busy, important people.

Maybe they'll think I'm not good enough for their son and kick lil ole me to the curb. That was suck.

"Yup, pray that I wont attack Tyler over dinner sweetheart." Stephan joked and I laughed. "Will you ever behave?"

"No. Bye beautiful."

"See ya." Ugh, that boy will be the death of me one day.


"Are you done cooking mama? Stephan will be here any minute. Officer davies and Kuyler aren't even here yet did you call them?" I set up the table with our finest silver ware, mopped the dinning room twice baked a cake and lit fancy scented candles that made the house smell amazing.

"Baby calm down, foods almost ready. I just called Ryland already and he says he and Kuyler are on their way. Can you chill?" Being told by my mother to 'chill' did the exact opposite.

My head snapped to the door when I hear the door bell chime. I squealed and I raced to the door and opened it.

Stephan was there with a large bouquet of roses. A white dress shirt with slacks and suspenders. "Well don't you know how to impress." He shrugged. "Well hello to you too. And, I was born with it. Where's your mother?"

"She's right here, Hello I'm Naomi's mother but please call me Crystal!" Mama stuck out her hand to shake with Stephan. "A pleasure Miss Crystal." And then here goes Stephan to go the extra mile and kisses her hand.

"I brought these Roses, I wasn't sure which ones you would prefer." My

"Oh honey It's fine, they're lovely thank you. Come in, come in. My fiancé and Kuyler will be here soon. You know Kuyler Davies don't you Stephan?" Mom says as we walk into the kitchen and she gets a vase from under the sink, filling it with water.

"More than I would like to. I'm not his biggest fan."

"Hmm is that so? Well.."

"Mom, the chicken."

"Oh shit!"

It wasn't burning but I knew it would if she kept talking. "Oh jeez, thanks baby, we would've had to call for pizza." Mom giggled and I smiled. The door rang again. "Oh! I'll get that, you two kiddies beghave now."

And she went to fetch the door.

Greetings and her voice can be heard from the kitchen. "Can you behave tonight Stephan?"

He chuckled caressing my cheek. "That word is sooo not in my vocabulary."

Short Chapter I know I'm sorry

Naomi Baby (Interacial Teen)Where stories live. Discover now